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Coronavirus may damage the placenta during pregnancy

Still, the virus itself doesn't seem to transmit in uterus.

WHO calls off trials of hydroxychloroquine amid health concerns

Clinical trials for the drug are now suspended due to risks of the drug.

European cities are taking advantage of the pandemic to reduce car traffic

There has never been a better opportunity to cut car traffic and pollution.

People are discovering historic sites during the lockdown

Armchair archaeologists are finding new (old) things using data that's freely accessible, and you could do it to.

Ireland sees day of hope with no new COVID-19 deaths

Ireland sees no deaths from coronavirus for the first time since March.

Has Sweden's coronavirus approach failed? So far, the numbers suggest so

Swedish officials stand by their approach, but so far, things don't look too good.

77 Nobel Laureates ask US administration to reconsider withdrawing coronavirus grant

A US research grant funding the study of bat coronaviruses in China has recently been terminated, without a clear explanation. Now, an impressive list of Nobel laureates is asking for a reconsideration of that decision. It was a surreal story. President Trump apparently learned about the research grant from a journalist during a press conference […]

Orbital 'littering' fee might solve our space junk problem

Space junk is a classic example of the Tragedy of the Commons -- now it's time to take responsability and pay up.

New study furthers our understanding of how genetics influence heavy drinking

Understanding how genetics influences problem drinking can help us help those at risk.

Let's use the epidemic to dismantle environmental regulations, Brazilian environment minister says

The country is only behind the US in number of positive COVID-19 cases

Brazil now has the second-highest number of coronavirus cases

The country surpassed Russia and is now behind the US

British drivers willing to walk more to maintain cleaner air after the pandemic

Half of the drivers surveyed said they would walk more instead of driving

As the US opens up, infections are still on the rise in many states

Nearly every US state has taken some measures to open up, but most of them haven't staved off the infections.

Our Special Issue on Contact Tracing Apps -- Free to Download

Many things about the current pandemic crisis are unprecedented. We’ve never seen a lockdown of this magnitude in human history, we’ve never had such a massive pandemic in a globalized world, and we’ve never used smartphones to track a contagious disease. The last bit is what we’re addressing here. We have written a Special Issue […]

Supercomputer simulation shows how COVID-19 could spread in supermarket stores

It's still early days and there are many uncertainties, but it could help us learn how COVID-19 could spread in shops.

New study shows sunlight can inactivate SARS-CoV-2

Could sunlight be an ally against COVID-19? This study suggests so.

Snakes aren't always cold and unfriendly -- garter snakes can form surprising relationships

Snakes are often considered nonsocial creatures, but this isn't always the case.

It's time to start considering wearing face masks -- even if you don't like it

Although the evidence is incomplete, it is substantial enough to warrant the widespread usage of face masks.

Are journalists biased to the left? Not really, a new study concludes

A long-held prejudice gets a reality-check.

Despite reopening, Americans don't really want to go to restaurants or the gym

A recent poll suggests that many Americans wouldn't want to return to restaurants and gyms even though they might be allowed to.

Glowing coral reef despite bleaching offers hope for recovery

Researchers get a better understanding over the colorful bleaching

The lesser-known coronavirus success stories

In addition to the South Korea and the Iceland, a number of countries have successfully handled the outbreak so far.

New trial will try to stop the "cytokine storms" that make COVID-19 cases deadly

If it works, it can help keep people safe and lower pressure on the medical system.

Florida's birds of prey are full of microplastics

Please stop, plastics.

Far less carbon capture is needed to avoid a climate catastrophe, study argues

Capturing 2,700 gigatons of CO2 would be enough, instead of the 10,000 previously mentioned

Researchers create a filter for N95 face masks that can be attached and replaced

It has a smaller pore size than the actual mask, further enhancing protection.

Newborn in Japan receives first treatment with liver STEM cells

The infant was too small for surgery, so doctors bought it some time.

Wildlife in National Parks thrives as people stay in quarantine

As visitors are quarantining at home, the Death Valley national park is teeming with life. It’s far from an exception — similar reports are coming from all parts of the world. Animals in parks throughout the world are venturing into areas they’ve never been seen in before. They’re loving it. Pronghorn antelope have been seen […]

No more hunting and eating of wildlife in Wuhan, where the pandemic first started

Authorities declare Wuhan a wildlife sanctuary, offering buyouts to breeders

Munch's 'Scream' is fading due to low-quality paint and the breath of art lovers

Humidity from the breath of museum goers have gradually degraded the colors of the famous painting.

Only competition with humans can explain the sudden extinction of Neanderthals, computer model shows

The plot thickens.

The climate crisis is turning parts of Antarctica green

Researchers mapped the microscopic algae on the Antarctic peninsula.

Global coronavirus cases jump by the highest number in a single day, WHO claims

We are in for a long ride, with almost five million cases in total so far confirmed.

For the first time in over a century, Norway will explore a new Viking ship burial site

The enormous ship marks the burial site of a king or queen.

In Covid China, a smartphone app is your ticket to everywhere

As Wuhan reports its first coronavirus cases in over a month, life in many parts of China is dictated by an app.

Comparison between neighboring US counties shows stay-at-home orders reduce coronavirus infections

Two neighboring states show how much of a difference social distancing measures can make.

US plumbing codes are based on century-old data

This is not good for water quality, researchers warn.

A fine kettle of fish: how COVID-19 is impacting fishing enthusiasts, industry

All areas of life are affected by the pandemic, even some most of us don't really give that much thought to.

Hurricanes are getting stronger -- and climate change is likely to blame

Satellite images shows long-term trend of stronger, more frequent hurricanes.

Phase 2 study shows 3-drug combo shortens COVID-19 viral shedding

A phase 2 trial has shown that a 2-week course of triple antiviral therapy with (1) interferon beta-1b (used to treat the relapsing-remitting and progressive forms of multiple sclerosis), (2) lopinavir-ritonavir (for the treatment of HIV/AIDS) and (3) ribavirin (used to treat chronic hepatitis C and other flavivirus infections) is safe and better at shortening COVID-19 […]

Astronomers witness a baby planet being born

The observations further our understanding of how extrasolar planets come into existence.

Lockdowns are making emissions fall. But that's far from solving the problem

Emissions dropped 17% in early April compared to same period last year.

Paleontologists find 10-meter-long megaraptor in Argentina

It's one of the largest megaraptors found so far, dating back to 70 million years ago.

Motorcycles don't make cities cleaner, they just delay the inevitable

To make cities clearner, urban planers need to make walking and cycling more accessible. Two-wheelers just offer a delay in terms of increases in fuel use and emissions.

A single symptomatic singer infected 87% of the choir with COVID-19

It really is the worst case scenario for transmission.

COVID-19 might cause inflammatory disease in children

It's still a very low incidence overall, but medics warn that COVID-19 could lead to an increase in inflammation in children.

The coronavirus infects our environments even before the onset of symptoms

"In summary, our study demonstrates that presymptomatic patients have high viral load shedding and can easily contaminate environments," says the team.

'Terminator' rubber tires made from industrial waste can repair themselves on the go

The new rubber material is a 'latent adhesive' that doesn't become sticky unless you add a catalyst.

Human SARS antibody could pave the way towards a COVID-19 cure

An antibody isolated from a SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) survivor after the 2003 epidemic could pave the way towards a treatment for COVID-19. The antibody, named S309, is currently “on a fast-track development and testing path” with California-based Vir Biotechnology. according to a press release. Preliminary findings, published in a study in the journal […]

Native Americans are struggling in the fight against COVID-19

Navajo Nation was already dealing with an under-funded healthcare system even before the pandemic.