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WHO head asks for cooperation and global solidarity.
Asthma wasn't even on the top 10 list of COVID-19 comorbidities, which was toped by obesity, diabetes, and heart disease instead.
Hong Kong hasn't seen a new coronavirus case in weeks.
Englishman Luke Woodhouse enjoyed a perfect nine-throw darts game on Saturday — something which his next opponent, Austrian Rowby-John Rodriguez, heard while he was on the toilet. Rodriguez needed to ask his neighbors in Vienna for permission to play in the championship. This is the exciting and bizarre world of stay-at-home darts championship. While you […]
There are few guarantees in vaccine-making. We shouldn't bet on vaccines to save us -- our best chance is to adapt to the virus.
The seeds for the development of speech and language may have been sown many millions years earlier than scientists previously thought.
The vivid, purplish blue watercolor found in many medieval manuscripts has been recreated in a lab.
It's still early days, but researchers report the discovery of a compount that might have anti-cancer properties.
And it did so in less than month.
Both countries had been praised for their initial efforts
Social distance is important but also sneeze and cough etiquette
Increasingly, Americans feel like the media is misleading them, though this is not
The state will do 2,000 tests per day
Quarantine has kept people at home, resulting in 60% fewer car crashes.
I agree with that view.
Korea's ruling party won the elections and announced plans to push ahead with climate goals.
It's the first time these viruses have been detected, but they don't pose any threat to us. Yet.
There's still a climate emergency to fix after this. So why support fossil fuel companies?
Many African countries have no intensive care beds to speak of, besides many other shortages.
An inexpensive new diagnosis tool for COVID-19 might be a game changer.
Japan is currently asking all citizens to stay indoor, but has not imposed any punitive measures.
California published a set of indicators that will determine when to relax the quarantine.
The conflict between conservationists and ranchers shows no signs of de-escalating -- and authorities seem to favor the latter
People from black communities had 3 times and 6 times the number of infections and deaths, respectively, compared to predominantly white communities.
Preliminary data suggests COVID-19 ICU patients are suffering from multiple organ damage.
Governor Cuomo ordered all people to wear face-covering in public
It will be built across 40,000 square meters of water.
While the coronavirus crisis has meant considerable disruption for many space projects, CHEOPS has been largely unaffected.
Billions across the globe are staying at home to stop the spread of the virus.
The findings highlight the importance of wearing masks and social distancing for all people, even for those that look healthy.
Tree hugging is back.
The comparisons were ill-suited the first time around, now they are just inane.
The Swedish experiment is showcasing the risks of not imposing a lockdown.
The expedition also collected a number of other deep-sea animals that may be new to science.
The coronavirus mainly spreads through direct person-to-person contact and it does a very good job at it, too, being roughly twice as contagious as the flu. So, this is a virus that is highly adapted to human nature, exploiting our propensity to engage in social activities. Due to the way it is designed by its […]
Social distancing means more time inside for our youngsters, and that also means more screen time. However, a new study suggests that this isn’t cause for much concern — young people today are just as socially skilled as those from the previous generation, it found. The team compared teacher and parent evaluations of children who […]
Bliss, it seems, may actually come in a pill after all.
It's a huge step up, but currently quite expensive to produce.
US President questions the organization for "covering up" spread of the virus.
It can reduce the rate of decline in cognitive functions by half, the authors found.
States don't yet have the testing and contact tracing capacity needed for such a decision.
Brace yourself for the ride. This will take a while...
Musk says it will depend on regulatory approval.
You shouldn't shy away from talking to your kids -- this can actually be very helpful.
The horrors of COVID-19 in emergency rooms is keeping medical staff awake at night.
It's funny that they're probably socializing more than us right now.
If your cat is socially distancing from you recently, it's probably trying to protect you both. Or it just doesn't like you.
Around 2,400 deaths were reported in New York nursing homes alone.
Platforms emit twice as much methane than previously thought.
World still needs to cut emissions by 6% every year for the next decade