Mind & Brain Three times more Americans are now experiencing psychological distress due to the pandemic June 4, 2020
Environment Fuel tank collapses in Russia, leaking 20,000 tons of diesel in Arctic river June 4, 2020
Diseases Pregnant women living near oil and gas wells are 40% more likely to birth low-weight babies June 4, 2020
Environment Air pollution is back to pre-coronavirus levels in China, and Europe could follow June 3, 2020
Science Police officers accused of brutal violence often have a history of complaints by citizens June 3, 2020
Health Researchers document how asymptomatic COVID-19 cases unknowingly spread the coronavirus June 3, 2020
Culture & Society How to stop police violence with evidence-based policy June 2, 2020 - Updated on May 6, 2023
Biology Stress greys our hair out, and the process is reversible within a ‘relatively short’ timeframe June 2, 2020
Animals The world is facing a sixth mass extinction — and it’s happening much faster than expected June 2, 2020
Climate May was the sunniest month on record in the UK — and climate change might be behind it June 2, 2020
Environment Gold mining with mercury poses health threats for hundreds of miles downstream June 2, 2020 - Updated on January 29, 2021
Other Riot or resistance? How media frames unrest in Minneapolis will shape public’s view of protest June 2, 2020
Climate Climate change is making marine species migrate towards the poles faster than those on land June 1, 2020
Biology While the world is looking at AI, it’s biotech that could end up changing the world May 29, 2020
Environment Half of all Americans breathe dangerously polluted air, and climate change is making it worse May 29, 2020
Climate EU unveils $750-billion coronavirus recovery plan that includes strict environmental conditions May 29, 2020
Health Coronavirus main risk factor and symptoms ranked by new massive study May 29, 2020 - Updated on May 31, 2020
Diseases Following the trail of Ernest Schakleton – but in times of cruises and coronavirus May 28, 2020
News Initial tests for a COVID-19 vaccine show good results. But it will be a long road ahead May 27, 2020