Art Abstract art speaks to your brain, evokes abstract and far away feelings August 11, 2020 - Updated on September 29, 2021
Discoveries “Invisible” words used in stories tell a story themselves August 10, 2020 - Updated on August 18, 2020
Health New Zealand boasts 100 days without coronavirus transmission — what can we learn from it? August 10, 2020
Fossil Friday Fossil Friday: mysterious, long-necked dinosaur species turns out to be two species that lived in the ocean August 7, 2020 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Biology An unknown ancestor mated with ancient humans. Its DNA is found in living people to this day August 7, 2020 - Updated on July 29, 2023
Environment The way humans modify environments makes them more likely to cause outbreaks August 6, 2020
Discoveries The wealth gap is at least 6,500 years old, finds Polish study August 5, 2020 - Updated on August 6, 2020
Anthropology Native American 8,000-year-old stone tool technology discovered in Arabia August 5, 2020
Environment Offshore wind capacity could grow eightfold by 2030, led by an expansion in China August 5, 2020
Climate Architects urge to stop building demolitions due to their climate footprint August 5, 2020 - Updated on August 6, 2020
Mind & Brain Our ability to read and write is housed in a ‘recycled’ part of the brain August 5, 2020
Animals Cultivated bacon could soon be a reality, as a company readies its first tasing August 4, 2020 - Updated on August 5, 2020
Environment These Canadian ice caps were estimated to melt by 2022 — they’re already gone August 4, 2020
Astronomy This is the best place in the world to see the cosmos at night — if you can bear it August 1, 2020
Archaeology Huge Saxon cesspit found under London Art museum — right under the new toilet July 31, 2020