Health The coronavirus epidemic could be fueling higher rates of delirium, brain inflammation, stroke, and nerve damage July 8, 2020
Diseases Only 5% of Spain’s population has COVID antibodies, casting further doubt over herd immunity strategy July 7, 2020
Environment UN sustainability goals could be a smokescreen for further environmental destruction July 7, 2020
Animals Avian earworm: ‘viral’ bird song is shifting tune preferences among Canadian sparrows July 7, 2020
Science Is office life doomed even after the pandemic is over? Not so fast July 7, 2020 - Updated on July 8, 2020
Environment Air pollution can contaminate your heart cells with metal nanoparticles from infancy July 6, 2020
Science The best mentors are creative and encourage independent thinking, a new study suggests July 3, 2020
Health Mutated coronavirus that is more infectious than earlier strains now dominates global cases July 3, 2020
News SpaceX launches new satellite that will make GPS three times more accurate (eventually) July 3, 2020 - Updated on April 30, 2021
News Astronomers find the stripped core of a gas giant for the first time July 2, 2020 - Updated on July 8, 2020
Interviews Scientist who helped discover Ebola and nearly got killed by COVID-19 says the pandemic is ‘still at the beginning’ July 2, 2020
News Fastest-growing black hole in the universe eats the equivalent of one sun per day July 2, 2020 - Updated on April 2, 2021
Climate The world should have been going through global cooling right now — but then came humans July 2, 2020
Archaeology Aboriginal artifacts point to the first underwater archaeological sites in Australia July 1, 2020
Diseases An entire Italian town was tested for COVID-19, and 40% of positive cases had no symptoms July 1, 2020
Diseases Chinese researchers find new swine flu strain in pigs. But slim chances of a new pandemic June 30, 2020
News China discharges floodwater from one of the world’s largest dams amid heavy rain season June 30, 2020
Environment The soil of the Amazon is filled with fungi – and we should do more to protect it June 29, 2020