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6 simple DIY sensor applications to get you started with Raspberry Pi

You'd be surprised just how many projects you can do with little investment and relative ease.

Chinese fishing vessels are plundering the waters near Galapagos

The vessels were caught logging 73,000 hours of fishing in just one month.

Melting ice sheets could add 40cm to global sea level rise

The growing pace of climate change is altering the ice balance in Greenland and Antarctica.

Earthquakes could tell how fast the ocean is warming

Underwater soundwaves produced by earthquakes travel at different speeds in warming oceans.

Australian stinging tree inflicts agonizing pain with a spider-like venom

The tree’s leaves contain a previously unidentified neurotoxin that latches on to fundamental mammalian pain receptors.

What's the most sustainable toothbrush? Study finds a surprising answer

Electric toothbrushes are much worse for the environment than manual ones.

How Stellar Winds of Dying Stars Are Shaped

Astronomers have captured stellar winds emitted by aging stars in unprecedented detail.

Scientists use DNA to expose the origins of Vikings

Vikings weren’t a group of barrel-chested, blond-haired, bearded men. Instead, they comprised many ethnicities and groups of people with different ancestries.

Have we passed peak oil demand? The world might never use as much oil again, experts say

The industry anticipates a fragile outlook for the rest of the year, and even further.

The world didn't meet one single biodiversity target set out a decade ago

We can still act before it's too late for the natural world.

Human ancestors may have boiled their food in hot springs nearly 2 million years ago

A steamy discovery.

Global warming is pushing the Arctic into a new climate

It's already one of the regions in the world most affected by climate change.

Why blue and green are the brightest colors in nature

Blue and green are the brightest and more intense colors and there's a reason behind it.

Perfectly preserved Ice Age 'cave bear' remains found in New Siberian Islands

A warmer world could lead to more discoveries in the near future

Scientists use gene editing on 'elite males' for better livestock breeding

The technique could improve livestock resilience against disease and enhance food production in an increasingly demanding world.

ASMR and the brain: what we know so far about this unique phenomenon

It's been ten years since ASMR took over YouTube. Here's what we know and don't know.

'Extinction: The Facts': Attenborough's new documentary is surprisingly radical

A conservation scientist interviewed on the programme says Sir David tells it like it is.

Coalescing Micro-Droplets Video Wins the Nikon Small World in Motion 2020 Award

Micro-droplets of water under the lens snap first prize for science video competition.

Investors that manage $47 trillion urge companies to commit to net-zero emissions pathway

Investors want their money funding climate-friendly companies.

How the brain creates the perception of time

When time-sensitive neurons get 'tired', our perception of time tends to get skewed.

Human activity may turn Earth into a "Hothouse" -- a warm climate it hasn't seen for millions of years

We need to take action now to avoid the worst climate consequences.

Human-induced erosion could make some soils around the world unfarmable by the end of the century

Conservation strategies could help extend their lifespan.

Trump administration appoints climate skeptic for a leading post at NOAA

David Legates has a long history of questioning established climate science.

Orcas are orchestrating attacks on sailboats near Spain and Portugal, leaving scientists scratching their heads

Better watch out if you're going out to sea.

Is your dog's nose cold and wet or warm and dry? Both are normal

A dog's cold nose aids in the heat detection of prey.

The coronavirus crisis highlights the urgency of closing the broadband gap

Internet access has become a basic human right.

People on dating apps are more likely to exhibit dark personality traits

Yet another study suggests that dating apps are a breeding ground for noxious traits.

Face masks could double as makeshift COVID-19 vaccine, new theory suggests

The matter of viral load once again comes into question.

Graphene face masks could prevent COVID-19 secondary transmission

The masks have an anti-bacterial efficiency of 80%, which increases when exposed to sunlight.

Fires devastate the world's largest tropical wetland in Brazil

The Amazon fires have now reached the Pantanal amid a severe drought.

More than one billion people face displacement by 2050

A group of more than 30 countries aren't resilient enough to cope with growing ecological threats.

Astronomers Investigate Dark Matter's Missing Ingredient

Small-scale concentrations of dark matter produce lensing effects that are 10 times stronger than expected, a new study found.

Animals are picky eaters too – scientists are trying to discover if parents teach them what's safe to eat

New research shows how tamarin monkeys transfer new types of food to their young.

Sterilised insects could help control mosquito-borne diseases

Aggressive tiger mosquitoes capable of spreading debilitating tropical diseases such as dengue and Zika are spreading through Europe, but scientists hope it may be possible to control these biting pests with a form of insect birth control and drones.

Almost two-thirds of the global wildlife population has disappeared since 1970

We can still flatten and reserve the declining trends with urgent action.

Zimbabwe bans mining in national parks to protect endangered wildlife

Chinese mining companies were rushing to extract minerals there.

Meteorites might have helped create life on Earth (and beyond)

They killed the dinosaurs but might have also kicked off life as we know it.

Novichok: how are victims surviving poisoning?

The dose makes the poison.

Neuralink: brain hacking is exceptionally hard, no matter what Elon Musk says

Decades of research have shown that the brain does not yield its secrets easily.

World's largest camera takes 3,200-megapixel photos

It can spot a baseball from 24 km away.

Trees that live fast die young and this is bad news for the climate crisis

The carbon capacity storage of trees could be challenged in the future.

Climate change has not stopped for COVID-19: emissions back on track to pre-pandemic levels

Lockdowns didn't make much of a difference to our warming world

Want to make better sensors? Just add more noise

A counterintuitive solution could make for better sensors.

Scientists Find That Social Distancing Reduces COVID-19’s Infection Rate by Approximately 1% per Day

This seemingly small difference adds up considerably owing to the rule of large numbers.

More mammal species face extinction by 2100 if further action isn't taken soon

Mammal species are experiencing an accelerated decline.

LHC physicists make matter out of light

Energy from matter was always easy, but the reverse has been difficult to achieve -- until now.

Very young children use both sides of the brain to process language, while adults only use half

Two hemispheres are better than one!

Europe's most powerful solar telescope lets us see its surface and spots up close

Up close and per-Sun-al.

Pollution and climate change are driving ill-health across Europe, report finds

Europe needs more green and blue spaces to improve health and the environment.

California fires break new record as residents are evacuated across the state

The worst of the wildfire season is yet to come in California.