Biology Humans live much longer than chimps due to a slower epigenetic ‘clock’ September 21, 2020 - Updated on July 12, 2023
Climate Emissions of richest 1% more than double those of poorest half of the world September 21, 2020
Science Yet another study suggests sewage water could be used to predict COVID-19 outbreaks September 21, 2020
Science 6 simple DIY sensor applications to get you started with Raspberry Pi September 20, 2020 - Updated on December 15, 2020
Biology Australian stinging tree inflicts agonizing pain with a spider-like venom September 18, 2020 - Updated on July 18, 2023
Environment What’s the most sustainable toothbrush? Study finds a surprising answer September 17, 2020
Environment Have we passed peak oil demand? The world might never use as much oil again, experts say September 17, 2020 - Updated on September 27, 2020
Environment The world didn’t meet one single biodiversity target set out a decade ago September 17, 2020
Archaeology Human ancestors may have boiled their food in hot springs nearly 2 million years ago September 16, 2020 - Updated on February 12, 2023
Climate Global warming is pushing the Arctic into a new climate September 16, 2020 - Updated on November 25, 2020
Animals Why blue and green are the brightest colors in nature September 16, 2020 - Updated on February 12, 2024
Animals Perfectly preserved Ice Age ‘cave bear’ remains found in New Siberian Islands September 16, 2020
Animals Scientists use gene editing on ‘elite males’ for better livestock breeding September 16, 2020
Animals ‘Extinction: The Facts’: Attenborough’s new documentary is surprisingly radical September 16, 2020
Art Coalescing Micro-Droplets Video Wins the Nikon Small World in Motion 2020 Award September 15, 2020
Climate Investors that manage $47 trillion urge companies to commit to net-zero emissions pathway September 15, 2020
Climate Human activity may turn Earth into a “Hothouse” — a warm climate it hasn’t seen for millions of years September 15, 2020
Environmental Issues Human-induced erosion could make some soils around the world unfarmable by the end of the century September 15, 2020
Animals Orcas are orchestrating attacks on sailboats near Spain and Portugal, leaving scientists scratching their heads September 15, 2020 - Updated on September 20, 2020
Biology Is your dog’s nose cold and wet or warm and dry? Both are normal September 14, 2020 - Updated on October 9, 2023
Home science People on dating apps are more likely to exhibit dark personality traits September 14, 2020 - Updated on July 20, 2023
Diseases Face masks could double as makeshift COVID-19 vaccine, new theory suggests September 14, 2020
Astronomy Astronomers Investigate Dark Matter’s Missing Ingredient September 11, 2020 - Updated on May 6, 2021
Animals Animals are picky eaters too – scientists are trying to discover if parents teach them what’s safe to eat September 11, 2020
Animals Almost two-thirds of the global wildlife population has disappeared since 1970 September 10, 2020
Future Neuralink: brain hacking is exceptionally hard, no matter what Elon Musk says September 10, 2020
Climate Climate change has not stopped for COVID-19: emissions back on track to pre-pandemic levels September 9, 2020