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Say goodbye to the office -- California's Bay Area set to enforce telecommuting

The move would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it's not without its critics.

Meet Magawa, the Hero Rat awarded bravery medal for clearing landmines

Magawa's work saves people from being killed or maimed by mines.

There are likely two types of Parkinson's, a new study cautions

Variety is not always the spice of life.

Scientists sequence genome of Fleming's original penicillin-producing fungus

The comparison could help us bring penicillin up to scratch.

Symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 patients shed virus similarly

We are learning more about how COVID-19 affects people every day, and this new find confirms what we’ve been fearing: asymptomatic people can pass the virus with the same ease.  We know that SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (generated through coughing and sneezing). Individuals can […]

Koalas could soon be listed as endangered in Australia

Environment groups call for urgent measures to protect the species, which has been suffering under habitat destruction and wildfires.

Menstrual cups: what they are and should you use one

It's an eco-friendly and safe alternative, but it can take some time getting used to, and some might find it unpleasant.

Climate change is driving California's record wildfires

Higher mean temperatures and drier weather brought by global warming is playing a key role here.

The lockdown changed the way birds sing in San Francisco

Sparrows have adapted their songs to the less noisy cities of 2020.

Pollution is impairing the growth of trees in Siberia and the Arctic

That can't be good.

American probe is one month away from touchdown on asteroid Bennu

Hopefully it's better at parallel parking than I am.

Scientists turn the first picture of a black hole into a movie

The historic image was joined by previous observations of the black hole at the heart of the M87 galaxy.

US elections: Here's what environmental scientists want from a president

Which science-based considerations are most important for the country's environment?

Beaked whale stays underwater for record-breaking 3 hours and 42 minutes

"We didn't believe it at first," said one of the researchers.

California plans to ban new gas-powered cars by 2035

The move could have wider implications for the whole US.

Weighted blankets are 'safe, effective' in treating clinical insomnia

A little weight can go a long way.

UK butterflies need more shady spots or risk dying to climate change

These butterflies would really like it if we threw some shade on them.

A new tool can show if your water is polluted by fracking

Proximity to a fracking site has been linked to many health complications.

Governments are involved in climate hypocrisy, not truly engaged with the problem

We should learn from the responses to the COVID-19 and the ozone layer crisis in order to safeguard the climate.

Ten days of binge drinking disrupts neuron connections, causes anxiety and other cognitive problems

Binge drinking didn't destroy neurons, but rather temporarily disrupted connections between them.

Russia’s Sputnik Vaccine Stunt Could Cast a Long Shadow

The Russian government is exploiting a scientific win for propaganda purposes. The potential consequences are troubling.

Persians were making proto-stainless steel 1,000 years ago

Archaeologists were surprised to see how advanced the steel-making technology was.

Scientists synthesize antibiotics to conquer resistant microbes

A synthetic approach for remodifying existing antibiotics could give us the upper hand against resistant bacteria.

Ancient footprints prove that humans were in Arabia 120,000 years ago

These early hunter-gatherers also walked alongside ancient elephants and camels.

"Brain supplements" found to contain several unapproved drugs, false labeling

Fans of Limitless, prepare to be disappointed.

Scientists identify new species of truffle eaten by apes in Congo

It could have culinary value similar to the truffles now sold in restaurants.

A French town is using human hair to clean oil pollution from the ocean

Hairdressers are putting our old hair to good use.

China tightens its climate targets and aims for carbon neutrality by 2060

The devil is in the details, as it remains to be seen exactly how China plans to pull this off.

This newly-discovered Hot Neptune is one of space's most unlikely planets

We've never seen anything like this before.

13 Nobel-winning economy laureates express support for Joe Biden

Even though the economists might not agree with each other, they agree on who the better presidential candidate is for the economy.

Politically-incorrect language can seem sincere, but only if you're saying what the audience wants to hear

Nobody is free of biases, not even ourselves.

Despite pandemic, recycling is fast expanding across the UK

Nine out of ten households said to regularly recycle and willing to do more for the environment

"π Earth": Astronomers discover Earth-sized planet that takes 3.14 days to orbit its star

Like clockwork, the planet moves around its star in Pi days.

COVID-19 asymptomatic cases account for 20% of infections, much less than thought

Previously, scientists thought that as many as 1 in 2 cases of COVID-19 were asymptomatic.

Planting trees helps -- but location matters

Restoring forestland could increase carbon sequestration capacity by 20%.

Historical portraits track changes in trustworthiness

Face-processing algorithms show that displays of trustworthiness increased in line with economic development.

New study highlights vitamin E's essential role in brain development

We now know why this compound is key to a successful pregnancy, in animals and humans alike.

Arctic ice shrinks to second lowest level on record

The Arctic won't be the same by the time our grandchildren see it.

Maple species face a growing threat of extinction

Known for their vivid colors, several maple species are now in danger of extinction.

NASA unveils plans to send first woman, next man to the Moon

The $28-billion Artemis program will mark the next phase in NASA's moon exploration project.

Endangered fish species are legally being sold as seafood

A third of fished stocks are exploited at biologically unsustainable levels.

Frozen poop knives and alligators on gas: the Ig Nobel awards

The Ig Nobel prizes make you laugh, and then make you think.

Infrared mosaic reveals hot geology on cold moon

Saturn's moon Enceladus features ice tectonics and subsurface liquid water.

Surprisingly enough, comets can generate auroras too -- in ultraviolet light

Does this mean we can get a tan on a comet?

Short, 10-minute periods of massage or rest can help ease stress

Sometimes, taking a break is the way forward.

Biocompatible 'bandage' heals severely broken bones

The bandage can stick to a fracture like a plaster, accelerating natural healing.

Humans live much longer than chimps due to a slower epigenetic 'clock'

Our cells look younger than those of chimps due to chemical changes to our genome when we branched away from a common ancestor 8 million years ago.

Emissions of richest 1% more than double those of poorest half of the world

Overconsumption and high-carbon transportation are exhausting the world's carbon budget -- and the rich are most responsible.

Pastel Jupiter showcases violent storms in unprecedented details

The big Red Spot is just one of several massive jovian storms.

Yet another study suggests sewage water could be used to predict COVID-19 outbreaks

A growing body of evidence suggests that sewage water could be used as an alarm signal for emerging outbreak hotspots.