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Tropical songbirds reproduce less during drought

Climate change is going to make dry periods longer and more frequent.

Scientists say pregnant women should avoid caffeine to protect their babies

Mounting evidence suggests that caffeine is associated with negative pregnancy outcomes.

7,000-year-old stone structures in Saudi Arabia are among the oldest in the world

The mysterious rectangular stone structures may have served a ritualistic purpose.

Flies get mesmerized by optical illusions too -- and this could explain the phenomenon

Although the lineages of flies and humans diverged half a billion years ago, we're both tricked by the same optical illusions.

The planet has lost 28 trillion tons of ice in less than 30 years, study finds

Under current trends, we're looking at a one-meter rise in sea levels by 2100.

Study finds asymptomatic transmission of Covid-19 during a flight

The findings showcase why masks are needed on flights and public transport.

Nose-administered COVID-19 vaccine shows promise in mice

Smells like good news.

Rogue Planets Could Outnumber Stars in the Milky Way

We might have to revise the commonly accepted image of planets orbiting a parent star.

Children in greener urban areas have a higher IQ and fewer behavioral issues

More reasons to be living near parks and green areas.

Millions of genetically-modified mosquitoes will be deployed to save Floridians from bites

Send some my way too, please!

Fossil-ish Friday: researchers digitally unpack 3 Egyptian animal mummies

Not all mummies are human.

How Coronavirus Has Been Affecting the World's Sleep

Our sleep is among the many things that the pandemic is affecting.

Is it ethical to use monkeys for coconut picking? Consumers are starting to say 'no'

Consumers are changing the way they feel about animals, and they're demanding change.

Political speeches use simpler words and stronger emotions

A close look at the content of speeches since 1873

Mind over matter? Placebo can work even when people know it's a placebo

Here's a pill that helps you. It doesn't really do anything, except it does.

Fossilized leaves show plants may absorb more CO2 in the future -- but still not enough

Looking back can help us see what lies ahead.

A protein in our pancreas and lungs could help treat asthma

Its a surprising but effective strategy.

Researchers develop a method to 3D print buildings from any local soil

This method could even be used on other planets!

Dams have helped to limit sea-level rise, study finds

This doesn't mean building more now would work, though.

Wildfires expand across Northern California amid blistering heatwave

Thousands are being evacuated while wildfires sweep through the state.

Painting eyes on cow butts can prevent predator attacks, study finds

These cows are looking everywhere, even behind their backs.

The diversity paradox in science: minority groups produce more scientific novelty, but their work is often overlooked

A new analysis finds that underrepresented scholars actually outperform the majority of their peers.

Ocean plastic pollution is much worse than we thought and ends back in our plates

The extent of plastic pollution in our ocean is stunning.

Your smartphone can tell when you're drunk -- and this might save lives

Smartphone accelerometers can record 'drunk gaits'.

Researchers develop a new, more efficient way to keep cool -- the 'Cold Tube'

It uses only half the power of traditional air conditioners.

Covid-19 smell loss is "much more profound" than common cold or flu

This could be used to better diagnose infected individuals.

Climate change is decoupling bee lifecycles from that of flowers

It's a bad strategy to not be where your food is -- or when.

Study finds plastic particles in human organs, raising health concerns

Plastics are everywhere, even in you.

Exposure to traffic noise promotes obesity

Honk if you hate traffic noise too.

'Groupiness' makes us biased, not gender, ethnicity, or political leanings

For the tribe!

The pandemic is sparing most of Africa and we're not really sure why

Africa is exhibiting remarkable resilience through the pandemic.

Trump approves plan to open oil and gas drilling in Alaska's Arctic refuge

This pristine landscape could be irrevocably damaged by an industry we're trying to move away from.

Electric vehicles can save lives, reduce emissions, and prevent economic damages

Taking polluting cars off the streets is both healthy and profitable.

How long are you contagious with a cold or flu?

The two respiratory illnesses are caused by different viruses, so both symptoms and the period of contagion will vary.

How patients from the second coronavirus wave compare to those in the first wave

Doctors at a hospital in Houston, Texas, have published results comparing the patients from the first coronavirus surge (March-May) to the second one (May-July), connected to the lockdown relaxation. There’s a very strong argument against the idea that there even is a second wave in the US — the first one never actually ended. But […]

Plasma from recovered patients seems to destroy coronavirus infections

Sharing is caring!

Climate change is destabilizing marine food webs

There will likely be no Nemo to find in the future.

Hallett Cove's fossil secrets are now accessible through virtual reality

A nice way to see the world when travel isn't an option.

The odds of spreading coronavirus in the same household is under 20%, a review of studies finds

Many people seem to be under the impression that COVID-19 is passed automatically in the household. That's not necessarily the case.

Temperatures in Death Valley hit 130 degrees, possibly the highest temperature on Earth

California's power grids are buckling under heat as new temperature records are being set.

Young children would pass up a reward for a chance to explore

The child in you is craving exploration.

Australia is losing to climate change. We'd be wise to learn from it

Australia is suffering the effects of fossil fuels it too helped emit.

It's time to face the fact that the coronavirus is airborne

More and more experts are considering that airborne transmission plays an important role for the pandemic.

Biden wants America to wear masks for at least 3 months: "Be a patriot"

The pandemic is unlikely to go away this year. Whoever wins the US elections will choose a pandemic direction.

Coronavirus vaccine: China's Sinopharm vaccine triggers immune response, few side effects

The vaccine is now moving on to large-scale trials to assess its efficacy.

200,000 years ago, humans were making beds for themselves

If there's one thing humans have always liked, it's comfort.

An unmanned craft just sailed from England to Belgium

The vessel was controlled remotely by an operator, using audio and video feeds.

How a broken cable almost destroyed a thousand-foot telescope

Weather-related phenomenons are taking a toll on the telescope

Fishermen accuse Nestlé of polluting a river in France, killing tons of fish

The company admitted a spill but said it didn't have chemical products that could hurt the fish.

Over 5 billion coronavirus vaccine doses have already been preordered worldwide

In the midst of suspect claims and solid deals, billions of vaccines have been ordered -- before a single vaccine is even produced.