Climate The effects of sea-level rise on communities are complex and unpredictable, says a new study November 5, 2020
Anthropology Busting the myth of the male provider: ancient women also hunted big game, study shows November 5, 2020
Animals Social behavior in mammals is as old as dinosaurs, fossil shows November 4, 2020 - Updated on November 5, 2020
Climate While it waits for election results, the US formally withdraws from Paris Agreement November 4, 2020
Science China is violating the privacy of thousands of Australians and you could be next. Here’s what you can do about it November 4, 2020 - Updated on November 5, 2020
Science 5 Industries Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already disrupting November 4, 2020 - Updated on September 20, 2021
News People subconsciously believe that the world is ‘fair’ and that those who suffer will be rewarded later on November 4, 2020
News Scientists reconstruct the brain of one of the oldest dinosaurs in unprecedented detail November 3, 2020 - Updated on August 23, 2023
Health Can weather help against the coronavirus? New study says ‘no, but behavior can’ November 3, 2020 - Updated on November 5, 2020
Environment Researchers send drones to active volcanoes to improve early warning systems November 3, 2020
Biology Newly-discovered fossil lizard shows how uncertainty can lead to better science November 3, 2020
Biology Researchers pinpoint the brain area that ultimately governs attention and focus November 2, 2020 - Updated on November 3, 2020
Anthropology Neanderthal milk teeth show their babies were raised and weaned similar to us November 2, 2020
Diseases Slovakia wants to test its entire population for coronavirus, but the project is challenging November 2, 2020
Environment Americans are responsible for much more plastic waste than previously thought November 2, 2020
Health Texting and watching TV at the same time? It might make your memory worse, according to this new study November 2, 2020
Discoveries Ancient DNA shows dogs are humans’ oldest friends October 31, 2020 - Updated on November 24, 2020
Environment Australia’s wildfires created a ‘record-breaking’ smoke plume in the upper atmosphere October 30, 2020
Diseases Hospital floors are full of bacteria, posing a risk to patients’ health October 30, 2020 - Updated on November 3, 2020
Biology Fossil Friday: leg fragment points to huge, toothy bird with a wingspan of up to 21 feet October 30, 2020
Features Giving up the Ghost: Science Takes on the Supernatural October 30, 2020 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Diseases Common fabrics can make effective masks against the viral particles, but they’re harder to breathe through October 29, 2020
Animals Big-eyed spiders that cast nets like gladiators can hear prey despite lacking ears October 29, 2020 - Updated on July 12, 2023
Climate Melting caused by global warming creates more melt and it’s a dangerous vicious cycle October 29, 2020 - Updated on November 25, 2020
News Astronomers scout metal-rich asteroid thought to be worth 10,000 quadrillion dollars October 29, 2020
Anatomy News Gourmet pterosaurs constantly improved their flight — until they were wiped out by killer asteroid October 28, 2020 - Updated on May 24, 2023
Environment Lenders are ‘bankrolling extinction’: businesses linked to biodiversity destruction took $2.6 trillion in loans last year October 28, 2020
News They took our jobs… but we’re okay with it? AI-related job growth linked to improved social welfare October 27, 2020
Health Aerosol microdroplets aren’t very good at carrying COVID-19, new laser study shows October 27, 2020
Environment The Mediterranean Sea is packed with plastic waste and it could get worse soon October 27, 2020