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The 20,000-year-old remains of a mammoth bear signs of human hunting and butchery.
The man could no longer process food due to having a colon swollen to six times its normal diameter.
It's the first time any samples for asteroids have been brought back to Earth
It's unlike any other known species. Still, further testing will be needed to convince everyone.
Nobody likes the fumes -- I hope?
There may finally be hope towards fixing the issue, however.
The toxin inhibitors could someday save hundreds of thousands of people who fall victims to snakebites each year.
Not a good roadmark to pass.
Aquatic life may not have enough time to adapt to an increasingly warming world.
The 'well-dressed' dinosaur may offer hints about how birds such as peacocks evolved to show off.
It's not much, but it's some good news.
A few bright spots on a largely bleak picture.
The device could reveal that so-called asymptomatic cases may not be truly without symptoms.
Well, this can’t be good.
Hemp has been popular in some parts of the world for centuries or even millennia. Certain strains of this plant, those with higher concentrations of psychoactive substances, are typically called marijuana (or ‘drug cannabis’). They have also been used recreationally or ritually for just as long, and demand spiked during the pandemic. The surge has […]
It was supposed to be a pivotal moment to fight climate change. Things are not so clear.
A crystal known to science for more than a century has only in recent years become recognized for its use in harvesting solar power. Since the first successful usage of perovskite in solar cells in 2009, the advances in the field have grown exponentially. In just a few years of development, rated efficiency in the […]
So-called 'dark fiber' could help seismologists map the underground and measure our planet's rumbles.
Doctors document a rare case of corneal bee sting.
The lettuce you love so much could soon be produced in a windowless warehouse,
It's a symbolic study that suggests we're building too many things and disregarding nature.
Thanks to this platform, any old car can be reborn as an electric vehicle.
It's the first example of a non-human vertebrate domesticating another animal.
It's not just love: all biological movement seems to slow down time.
It's the first example of tool use by honey bees in nature.
Small, dinosaur-like animals may have been the ancestors of the first flying vertebrates.
ESA’s spacecraft collected important information about nearby stars, the solar system’s motion and provided a map with the motions of 40 thousand stars in the Milky Way. It’s the best available map we have of our galaxy and it looks stunning. Gaia is an ESA mission to build a 3D map of the Milky Way. […]
2020 ends with higher temperatures and less sea ice
We all have to reduce our carbon footprint, but especially the rich
The study adds to a growing body of evidence supporting the crucial role of face masks in fighting the pandemic.
Electric cars and solar power may work together like a hand and a glove.
Turns out, Darwin was really good about understanding evolution.
Satellites up in the sky are enabling us to better understand the ground beneath our feet.
Two offshore wind parks have already secured their use
Ironically, more immigrants tend to make safer neighborhoods.
The medicinal plant from China is trying to prevent heavy harvesting.
The decision to commit to marriage is a complex one, and we often put our partner to the test -- even though we may not even realize it.
The experience will prove useful in China's future sample missions to Mars in 2030 and upcoming crew missions to the moon.
Some volcanoes may be more explosive than we thought.
The vaccine offered "strong" and "durable" protection in early-stage clinical trials.
The samples are in 'perfect shape' and they could shed new light on the birth of the solar system.
Three words: open - the - windows.
Many rappers need self care -- and so do their listeners.
The Arctic may be cold outside, but it's pretty hot beneath the surface.
A lot of familiar names on this list.
The pandemic can affect our mental health and alter our behavior
While you're living in 2020, Russia is already living in a risky 2021.
DeepMind's AlphaFold claims to have solved a 50-year-old challenge of protein structure.
The move is part of the country's plan to be carbon neutral by 2050
The CDC says US blood samples from early December tested positive for the novel coronavirus.