News Scientists use nuclear reactor to investigate Amelia Earhart’s mysterious disappearance February 16, 2021
Diseases Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives 94% protection against Covid-19, real-life study shows — also good against variants February 15, 2021
Anthropology Neanderthals and humans used the Levallois technology, a new study shows February 15, 2021 - Updated on August 3, 2021
Archaeology Medieval cemeteries tell tales of fractures, broken jaws, and a very hard life February 15, 2021 - Updated on February 16, 2021
Geology Researchers want to use whale song for seismic imaging of the Earth’s crust February 15, 2021
Animals Scientists have found a way to stop your cat from killing so much wildlife February 13, 2021 - Updated on September 16, 2021
Environment Planting plastics: study finds a growing amount of microplastics in the agricultural soil February 12, 2021 - Updated on February 13, 2021
News The most remote object in the Solar System is now “Farfarout”, taking the crown from “Farout” February 12, 2021
Environment Own a solar panel? You’re probably lowering energy costs for all your neighbors February 12, 2021
Biology New compound shows promise against hard-to-kill pancreatic and breast cancers, in mice February 11, 2021
Animals Sawfish could soon become completely extinct if we don’t stop overfishing, says a study February 11, 2021
Climate Bitcoin now consumes more energy than Argentina February 11, 2021 - Updated on February 23, 2021
Climate This minimalistic chart shows how hot 2020 and the past few years have really been February 10, 2021
Animals Dogs seem to play more enthusiastically when you’re paying attention to them going at it February 10, 2021
Biology Living fossil fish has 62 copies of a “parasite gene” humans share too — we have no idea how they got there February 10, 2021
Climate We’ll need to lower our emissions by a further 80% if we’re to meet Paris Agreement goals February 9, 2021
News The European Space Agency is hiring for the first time in 11 years February 9, 2021 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Health New, wearable cortisol sensor can help warn us of incoming burnout or depression February 9, 2021 - Updated on January 1, 2023
Health South Africa suspends AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine due to poor protection against mutated virus February 9, 2021
Biology Some sperm cells swim faster and even poison their competition to climb to the top February 8, 2021
Chemistry Scientists measure properties of elusive Einsteinium, the 99th element in the periodic table February 8, 2021