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This Spanish city is using discarded oranges to obtain electricity

Seville didn't know what to do with all its oranges but it came up with a solution

Climate change is making allergy season worse

Bad news for allergy sufferers: it's getting worse.

Researchers are using food waste to produce biofuels and reduce emissions

It's a global problem, focused on developed countries

Atheists are just as ethical as believers, study shows -- they just prioritize different things

Believers value group cohesion, while atheists focus on the effects of their actions.

Pirate attacks are more frequent in areas with harmful fishing practices

Yes, piracy is still a problem -- and it goes hand in hand with bad or illegal fishing practices.

US could be carbon neutral by 2050 - and it would cost $1 per citizen per day

Having a clean economy is much cheaper than the alternative.

The longest known exposure photograph ever was captured using a beer can

It has an exposure time of 8 years.

Outdoor pollution is affecting indoor air quality. Here's how

The air quality inside your home might not be as good as you think.

Climate change brings multiple threats for European forests

The same is likely true for forests all around the world.

Mars' two moons used to be a single moon, says new research

We don't know what split them up, but one is crashing while the other is slowly inching away.

Vaccine manufacturers tell Congress they're ready to double, maybe triple production

Drug manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna are ramping up production of their COVID-19 vaccine. Johnson & Johnson is waiting for approval for their one-shot vaccine. According to a statement presented to a House subcommittee earlier today, this could end up doubling, possibly tripling the vaccine supply in the US in the coming weeks. Last year, getting […]

One species of the cotoneaster plant could help absorb traffic pollution

My apartment is next to a 4-lane street. I'm all for cleaner air.

Australia's oldest cave painting is 17,000-year-old kangaroo art

I mean, what else could it be?

Shape-shifting and self-healing materials are coming -- here's what you need to know

Your clothes could soon come to life.

Japanese spaceport floating on an artificial island is a peek into the future

This amazing concept might lay the groundwork for the spaceports we've all be drooling over.

Microbial earthly life could survive on Mars, at least for a time

Human visitors to Mars could bring along numerous microscopic colonizers. That's both good and bad.

CBD can help release anxiety, new study shows -- but questions still loom

A new meta analysis of research into the merits of cannabidiol (CBD), one of the active compounds in marijuana, reports that it probably has potential in the treatment of anxiety and stress.

3 technologies poised to change food and the planet

Agriculture’s impact on the planet is massive and relentless.

When Earth's magnetic field flipped 42,000 years, the climate changed too

It was a big climate disaster that could have wiped out Neanderthals.

6 important truths about COVID-19 vaccines

One of the biggest barriers standing in the way of ending the pandemic isn’t medical or logistical. It’s the misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines.

Wildlife photographer takes 'once in a lifetime' shot of a yellow penguin

This peculiar king penguin has a pigmentation condition called leucism.

Scientists clone an endangered ferret for the first time

They hope to one day do the same for extinct species too.

Over 140,000 viral species, mostly unknown, are living in the human gut

We are filled with viruses, bacteria and fungi keeping us healthy

Quartz in ancient bird stomach sheds new light on what it would have eaten

A bizzare, never-before-seen form of preservation could shed new light on a primeval type of bird.

Boys who play video games seem to have lower depression risk -- but not girls

The relationship between video games and mental health is more complex than you thought.

Russian researchers want to study ancient viruses from the Siberian permafrost

A former Soviet bioware lab is investigating ancient permafrost viruses.

Scientists have two-way conversations with lucid dreamers while they sleep

Interactive dreaming is a thing for some people. Here's what's going on.

Massive Black Hole Could Challenge Stellar Evolution Theories

With a mass of 21 times that of the sun, the black hole of Cygnus X-1 challenges theories of stellar evolution.

Watch NASA's Perseverence rover land on Mars

Don't miss one of the most spectacular space missions this year.

Marine sponges inspire stronger, lighter skyscrapers and bridges

Designs that mimic the glassy sponge’s skeletal structure are 20% stronger than traditional structures employed today in engineering.

Microscopic wasps are being used to get rid of moths in a UK historic mansion

The pandemic has left buildings with some unexpected visitors .

Trillions of cicadas emerge once in 17 years. This is that year

Things are about to get crowded.

Ancient mammoth genome found in Siberia is the oldest ancient DNA

Scientists have pushed technology to its limits after they managed to sequence the genome of a mammoth tooth that’s more than a million years old. Officially, this is the oldest DNA sequenced thus far — by a long shot. The million-year-old genome is finally upon us In 2013, scientists sequenced the genome for the previous […]

Scientists find life under half-mile of ice in Antarctica

Nothing should have been alive -- yet life found a way.

Cities are literally starting to sink under their own weight

We knew cities were heavy. But this is a bit much.

Algae could be grown on Mars to sustain human life

This could have big implications for our future plans for Mars.

Disadvantaged students are more likely to study online -- and this could widen the achievement gap even further

More nonwhite or poor children study in closed schools compared to white students.

Drinking coffee daily is associated with less gray matter in the brain

This doesn't mean that caffeine makes you dumb, though.

Studies to zoom in on links between cognitive decline and driving behavior

Slow reflexes and driving. What could possibly go wrong?

Norway's stave churches are much older than thought

The emblematic Norwegian stave churches are being measured using new technology.

Where wildlife trade emerges, animal populations drop by over 60%

Both legal and illegal trade are pressuring wildlife populations into oblivion.

A deadly smog covers much of India, threatening 400 million people

Burning farmland and fossil fuel pollution are polluting the air, and the smog will remain in place for another month.

Scientists use nuclear reactor to investigate Amelia Earhart's mysterious disappearance

A metal plate thought to have once belonged to Earhart's plane was probed for hidden secrets using neutron beams.

Animal coronaviruses are roaming much more than we thought

A new study suggests our troubles with coronaviruses may only be beginning.

The dinosaurs may have been wiped out by a comet fragment, not an asteroid

Astronomers have proposed a novel theory that explains the demise of the dinosaurs.

After 18 million mRNA vaccinations, allergic shocks remain exceedingly rare

Just 66 cases of anaphylaxis (0.0003%) were reported. All but one happened in the first 11 minutes. None were fatal.

Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives 94% protection against Covid-19, real-life study shows -- also good against variants

Reasons to be optimistic as vaccine campaign rolls out: the Pfizer vaccine is really good.

Small study showed colchicine improved outcomes in COVID-19 patients

Some good news on the pandemic treatment side.

Chinese rover finds weird shard-shaped rock on the far side of the moon

It may have been formed by a meteor impact.

Oldest beer factory found in a 5,000-year-old Egyptian site

The facility was capable of brewing thousands of gallons of beer.