Environment Scientists fix crucial flaw with solid-state batteries that could fully charge electric cars in 10 minutes May 17, 2021
Science The tech industry is adopting futuristic data processes in response to COVID-19 May 16, 2021 - Updated on September 14, 2021
Health COVID-19 survivors, even those who weren’t very sick, have a 50% greater risk of death May 14, 2021
Animals UK formally recognizes animals as “sentient beings”, rolling out new protection for pets and wild animals May 14, 2021
Climate It took some time, but the EPA finally acknowledged humans are causing climate change May 13, 2021
Science These lizards can breathe underwater thanks to air bubbles trapped on their skin May 13, 2021
Anthropology Ancient Easter Island clans may teach us how to live in perfect isolation on Mars May 12, 2021
News China’s population surpasses 1.4 billion but reports slowest growth rate in decades May 12, 2021
Animals We don’t really know how many lions there are — but researchers have an idea to count them May 12, 2021
Science What will restaurants look like after the pandemic? It’s complicated May 12, 2021 - Updated on May 13, 2021
Agriculture No green thumb required: Open-source robots can now grow a small farm for you May 12, 2021 - Updated on August 25, 2023
Anthropology Oldest oral bacteria shows Neanderthals grew big brains thanks to carb-rich food May 11, 2021
Environment Finally, some good news: Renewables continue surging trend despite the pandemic May 11, 2021 - Updated on May 16, 2021
Health How a CIA sham meant to hunt down Osama Bin Laden swelled antivaxx sentiment in Pakistan May 11, 2021
Science The semiconductor crisis is now affecting car manufacturers May 11, 2021 - Updated on May 13, 2021
Biology A few million years ago, this giant saber-toothed cat hunted rhinos in North America May 10, 2021
Health A simple sneeze guard could make full-capacity airplanes safer from COVID-19 spread May 8, 2021 - Updated on June 1, 2021
Animals How Tibbles the cat possibly caused an entire species to go extinct May 7, 2021 - Updated on May 15, 2021
Fossil Friday Fossil Friday: private collector wanted a dinosaur skull, but got a huge, fossilized bony fish lung May 7, 2021
Future Spanish companies team up to create the first paella-cooking robot May 7, 2021 - Updated on May 9, 2021
Archaeology A song of gods and dragons: What’s behind the animals carved in Norway’s stave churches May 6, 2021
Biology Citrus fruit stands poised to make transparent wood more sustainable, stronger, and more transparent May 5, 2021
News All eyes are on a Chinese rocket — because it’s falling from space and we don’t know when or where May 5, 2021