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Plastic waste is all over the place, even where you less expect it.
This is the kind of surprise I like.
Not exactly telepathy but darn close, that's for sure.
These concerning findings highlight the need for urgent action aimed at mitigating the effects of man-made climate change.
A growing awareness among musicians could help change this.
Aboriginal Australians are part of the oldest living culture on Earth -- and we could learn a thing or two from them
When it's geology versus cities, the geology usually wins.
The Dark Energy Survey has delivered its first results providing one of the most detailed pictures of the Universe ever created.
It's a small price to pay to protect nature.
Fewer hours at the office might be good both for you and for the climate.
Work on that summer bod, but be sure to protect it from the sun as well!
Good things come to those who dig.
I study the effects of exercise on the body. So it’s perhaps unsurprising that when I’m not in the lab, I like to keep active by hitting the gym or going for a run. But for many people it’s much harder to get out and move their bodies. Modern life doesn’t always make it easy […]
Studies that are "out there" tend to be picked up more, even when they're on shaky ground. Meanwhile, solid science is sometimes overlooked.
Maybe try sleeping more next time
"If you gave me your shoe, I could tell you with about 90% accuracy the city you came from," the authors boast.
Other companies could soon face the same legal pressure.
Not everyone is affected by climate change the same way
It works incredibly fast -- in mice, so far.
We're getting new insight into how this metal acts against pathogens.
A new study shows the surprising way hair cracks shaving blades.
It's excellent performance for any vaccine, let alone one done in less than one year with innovative technology.
Your new personal assistant.
Think of something the most yucky, slimy, watery thing you can imagine -- this probably beats it.
The critter was spotted by a researcher while kayaking in a river.
If the finding is confirmed, it would be some strong evidence pointing at ancient life on Mars.
The virus is spreading quickly among birds, leading to concerns that we won't be able to contain it.
It raises the possibility that other melting glaciers are behaving the same way.
The rover will study the topography, geology and atmosphere of the red planet
Further doubts over the actual origin of the novel coronavirus.
The future is here.
A key ingredient of every living cell has been discovered in space, with an influence on theories of how life could have evolved on earth and elsewhere in the Universe.
But... is this even a bad thing?
Gives Florida man a run for his money.
Vaccines seem to be effective against this variant of concern.
This is part of our legacy.
Aliens may very well be out there somewhere -- but in many cases, what people are seeing are just lights from satellites.
Less carbon footprint. Less time. Less cost. Bring in the industrial-sized 3D printers.
"There always seems to be a new crop of believers. Maybe just think of it as a cult that can survive indefinitely," Krugman said.
The fish absorb up to 99.95% of the light that hits them.
The world is entering into a 6th mass extinction.
Instead of planting a lot of new trees, we should take care of the ones we already have.
The effects of climate change are already dire.
It's time to say farewell to coal, oil and natural gas -- as quickly as possible.
How do cryptocurrency markets react to cyberattacks — theft of digital coins? A new paper shows a surprising delay in their response to such events, measured by the market’s volatility. It’s estimated that around 1.1 million bitcoins were stolen between 2013 and 2017 — a figure that has only gone up since. At today’s prices, […]
The cute water bears could give scientists hints as to whether or not life can survive interplanetary travel on meteorites.
Wireless power, here we come!
The monkeys have settled in a thick mangrove forest near an urban airport.
It's not lying, it's strategic re-processing of the truth.
Seafood fraud is a much bigger problem than you think.