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Dome-shaped house in Italy is 3-D printed entirely from local clay

Humans have been building mud dwellings for thousands of years. It's time to go back to the roots.

Second smallpox drug approved by the FDA

The approval was based on studies that involved neither humans nor the variola virus due to ethical considerations.

Emissions from food production are vastly underestimated, a new study claims

The food on our plates is an important contributor to climate change.

Looking 'weird' saves robot lizards from predators

Sometimes being flashy is actually a turn-off to predators. Their loss…

The FDA just approved the first new Alzheimer's drug in almost 20 years

The drug is one of the few major advancements against Alzheimer's, but it is also fraught with controversy.

Taking short breaks while practicing lets our brains review what we're doing -- and get better at it

That’s great, because I love breaks.

We should talk about 'deepfake geography': fake AI-generated satellite images

Nothing is spared by the ongoing AI fraud.

One-way camel trade is keeping another coronavirus at bay, but it could still spark the next pandemic

That’s not a headline I expected to be writing today.

All the SARS-CoV-2 viruses in the world weigh as little as an apple and as much as a small toddler

The estimate could help scientists better understand how the virus infects and mutates inside the human body.

Earth's carbon dioxide levels hasn't been this high in mankind's entire history

It's been almost 5 million years since CO2 levels were this high.

Jeff Bezos will go to space on one of his rockets

Should we be a bit concerned that the world's richest person is going to space?

Humans are worse than jays at spotting magic tricks

Don't believe your eyes.

Galactic neighbourhoods have an influence on stellar nurseries

A newly conducted in-depth cosmic census has revealed that star-forming molecular clouds come in an array of shapes and sizes.

Trained bacteriophages could help us with our drug resistance issues

If you can't beat them -- hire mercenaries.

If you don't align your sleeping patterns to your body clock, you risk depression, lower wellbeing

It's easier for morning people to pull off.

Cattle Could Produce More Methane Than Thought, But Manure Could Be The Answer

A new review of eight existing studies published in the journal Environmental Research Letters has found that livestock farms and feedlots in North America may be emitting far more methane than previously assumed. The researchers from New York University and Johns Hopkins University found that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — which estimates methane from […]

Scientists resurrect microscopic creatures that were frozen for 24,000 years in Siberia

The discovery could lead to new methods for cryopreserving human cells and organs.

A doctor's best friend: Micro-Diamonds could be the future of medical imaging

Diamonds could allow doctors to make use of the best versions of two imaging techniques -- simultaneously.

Denmark approves construction of artificial island off the coast of Copenhagen

The island will protect the port from rising sea levels and house around 35,000 people.

Scientists find a new way to make virtual stars

Researchers developed a 3D star formation simulation, good enough to make you gaze at the example video for a while.

People who eat more tend to take larger bites or eat faster, study finds

Microstructural behaviors such as eating rate, bite size, and meal duration can determine the size of a person’s meal.

Graphene protective coatings could improve hard disk data storage potential ten-fold

Not bad at all.

Lockdown increased our use of electronic devices (and caused a lot of sleep issues)

It's a big no-no for your sleeping pattern.

Chandra X-ray and MeerKAT data reveal a busy galactic center

The study found magnetic phenomena in the center of the Milky Way that resemble those in our solar system

What makes 'superfoods' so super? New studies dive deep

Scientists have found insights about what makes honey and mangoes so healthy.

We've identified a gene variant that seems to make people immune to the effects of COVID -- but not to catching the virus

We're learning more and more about how the virus spreads, and how our own bodies help that process.

Physicists find definite proof of how auroras are born

We now have definite evidence of how auroras light up the sky in the high latitudes.

Magawa the hero rat retires from mine-detecting job

A well-deserved retirement for an unassuming hero.

World's lakes are losing oxygen rapidly as the planet warms

This is bad news for water quality and biodiversity

The world's fish are swimming in microplastics

House special: Fish n’ threads of leggings.

NASA’s Juno to make closest flyby to Jupiter’s largest moon

It will provide information about the Moon's composition, ice shell, ionosphere and magnetosphere.

Fossil Friday: ancient poop offers insight into what the ancient, giant Moa birds ate

Hey, we get data wherever we can.

Scientists uncover mysterious mass extinction event that nearly wiped out sharks 19 million years ago

More than 90% of all sharks suddenly disappeared and no one knows why.

Puppies are likely born with the ability to communicate with humans

Eight-week-old puppies can understand instructions from humans, such as finger pointing and gazing towards an object.

Two new NASA missions earmarked for 'lost habitable' planet Venus

We haven't been there in a while.

Johnson and Johnson must pay $2 billion in landmark talcum baby powder trial, as Supreme Court rejects appeal

The decision opens the way for a slew of billion-dollar litigation trials.

Reducing climate emissions would save millions of lives from air pollution

Needed another reason to tackle climate change? Here's one.

Hundreds of Chinese vessels suspected of illegal fishing along Argentina's waters

They turn off their tracking systems so to avoid detection.

Frogs lost their teeth more than 20 times in their evolutionary history

They just couldn't seem to make up their mind.

Table corals have an important role to play in reef recovery, but they're also quite vulnerable

Helping to protect them would go a long way.

Drones can elicit emotions from people, which could help integrate them into society more easily

Joy, sadness, fear, anger, and surprise were the easiest to recognize.

New 3D bio-material could help reverse arthritis

Arthritis treatment is always challenging -- but innovative technology may offer alternatives.

Scientists may have finally sequenced the entire human genome

Technological limitations prevented scientists from sequencing a minor but important fraction of the genome -- until now.

Cow manure and beer byproducts may replace harmful industrial pesticides while increasing yields

The organic pesticide may help improve soil health and reduce the use of potentially harmful chemicals.

Type O- blood may have a protective effect against COVID-19

Type O- blood may offer a slight protective effect against infection with the coronavirus. But the vaccine is still your best ally.

Why your allergy symptoms are getting worse

When the allergies really kick in, tissues can hardly cut it.

Poacher who killed dozens of tigers caught after 20 years

He was a local legend for having eluded the police for so long

Researchers travel to the bottom of the ocean and find almost intact plastic waste

Plastic waste is all over the place, even where you less expect it.

HPV vaccines are more effective than we assumed, for longer

This is the kind of surprise I like.

Scientists achieve brain-to-brain communication between humans

Not exactly telepathy but darn close, that's for sure.