Somewhere in the invisible world of microbes, a tiny bacterium wields an astonishing superpower. Deinococcus radiodurans, affectionately nicknamed by scientists as Conan the Bacterium, survives where almost no other life form can. It endures the kind of radiation that would shred human cells into molecular confetti. And now, scientists believe they understand the secret behind its extraordinary resilience — a discovery that could one day protect astronauts venturing into the harshness of space.
Chemists from Northwestern University and the Uniformed Services University have unraveled the workings of a synthetic antioxidant inspired by D. radiodurans. This antioxidant, called MDP, forms a complex molecular structure that shields cells from radiation damage. The findings could open pathways to practical radioprotective solutions for both space missions and radiation emergencies here on Earth.
A Radiation Shield Built from Three Simple Ingredients

MDP owes its power to a simple trio: manganese ions, phosphate, and a synthetic peptide. Separately, each component offers minimal protection. But when they come together, they create a robust defense against radiation’s chaotic onslaught.
In essence, this three-part combination mirrors what makes Deinococcus radiodurans a microbial marvel. The bacterium stores manganese antioxidants in its cells to fend off radiation damage. When scientists took this natural blueprint and built a synthetic MDP in the lab, they noticed how the components synergized to form a structure far more potent than any single ingredient alone.
“The decapeptide interacts sequentially with phosphate and manganese to create a unique ternary complex,” Michael Daly, a professor of pathology at the Uniformed Services University, explained to ZME Science in an email.
Radiation versus proteins
For decades, scientists held a steadfast belief about radiation’s deadly effects: it killed cells by shattering their DNA. This dogma painted DNA damage as the primary villain in radiation’s destruction of biological cells. But DNA damage is only half the picture. Research like this shows that radiation also targets fragile proteins that orchestrate a cell’s survival.
These proteins — collectively called the proteome — carry out essential functions like repairing DNA damage, maintaining the cell’s structure, and regulating its metabolism. When radiation generates a storm of harmful molecules known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), proteins often take the brunt of the assault. If they are damaged beyond repair, a cell cannot function, no matter how intact its DNA remains.
In the case of Deinococcus radiodurans, this principle plays out in dramatic fashion. The bacterium shrugs off massive doses of radiation because its proteins are shielded by manganese-based antioxidants. These antioxidants, Daly and his colleagues discovered, neutralize ROS before they can wreak havoc on the proteome.
“A significant challenge has been persuading the scientific community to adopt a new paradigm of radiation toxicity: that cell death from radiation is primarily due to protein damage rather than DNA damage. Research on Deinococcus species has demonstrated that the proteome is the critical target influencing survivability under radiation stress. This shift in understanding emphasizes the importance of protecting cellular proteins to enhance radiation resistance,” Daly said.
From Martian Dreams to Earthly Protection
This discovery stems from years of collaboration between Hoffman and Daly, sparked by the enigma of how D. radiodurans endures conditions harsher than those found on Mars. Daly, an expert on extremophiles, has long studied how these microbes might survive interplanetary journeys or ancient Martian ice.
“My fascination with extremophiles began in childhood when I ordered “Sea Monkeys” advertised in a comic book. These turned out to be desiccation-resistant brine shrimp, introducing me to organisms capable of surviving extreme conditions. This early experience sparked a lifelong interest in studying resilient life forms,” Daly told me.
Their previous research demonstrated that D. radiodurans could survive a staggering 140,000 grays of radiation when dried and frozen — a dose 28,000 times greater than what would kill a human. In their quest to decode this resilience, they found that manganese antioxidants play a central role. More manganese means more resistance.
For Daly, the implications are clear. If bacteria can use manganese-based complexes to survive radiation, why can’t humans do the same? Especially in the treacherous environment of space, where cosmic rays relentlessly bombard spacecraft, this question carries enormous significance.
“In space exploration, astronauts are subjected to chronic high-level ionizing radiation from cosmic rays and solar protons. MDP offers a simple, cost-effective, non-toxic, and orally administrable solution to mitigate these radiation risks. For extended missions, such as those to Mars lasting over a year, effective radioprotection is crucial — a fact recognized by industry leaders,” Daly said.
He envisions a future where astronauts heading to Mars might take radioprotective pills to keep them safe on their long journey. On this note, the other implication is that there could also be native microbes on Mars lurking under the soil somewhere. After all, if an Earthling microbe can survive inside a nuclear reactor, why couldn’t an alien microbe do the same on Mars? An astronaut on a mission to Mars could receive radiation doses up to 700 times higher than on our planet, but that would be a piece of cake for D. radiodurans or other organisms like it.
On Earth, MDP might have similarly crucial applications. It could protect emergency responders dealing with nuclear accidents or provide a way to develop “radio-prophylactics” that use radiation-inactivated pathogens. Daly and colleagues at Duke University have already developed a vaccine candidate for preventing chlamydia infections using such an approach. Daly also noted the potential for slowing the effects of aging, given the link between radiation damage and cellular decay.
A Curious Twist of Fate
The journey to this discovery wasn’t a straightforward one. Hoffman, who specializes in spectroscopy, confessed that he entered this field somewhat by accident.
“I had no experience or indeed interest in the field, but was dragged into the study of manganese in living organisms by a long-time friend,” Hoffman said. Nevertheless, his expertise in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy, a technique that allows scientists to observe manganese in intact cells, proved essential.
Initially skeptical of MDP’s potential, Hoffman was surprised when the components combined to form something far greater than the sum of their parts. “It was a surprise to me to discover that the parts interacted to form the ternary complex, and that this is ‘the secret sauce,’” he told ZME Science.
The implications of this work are vast. From deep-space voyages to nuclear safety, the ability to shield cells from radiation damage is a game-changer. Conan the Bacterium may be microscopic, but its legacy might help humanity reach for the stars — and actually survive the journey.
The findings appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.