Animals Virtual reality for rats shows how different brain functions cooperate during navigation November 6, 2013 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Discoveries Einstein’s brilliance might have been due to strong brain hemisphere connection October 7, 2013
Animals Crows remember and respond to people’s faces akin to humans themselves August 27, 2013 - Updated on April 20, 2023
Health Atlas of the human brain might help identify the mechanics of neural conditions September 20, 2012 - Updated on September 21, 2012
Mind & Brain The Human brain might be organized a whole lot simpler than previously thought. Imaging reveals 3-D grid structure March 30, 2012
Genetics Memories are stored in specific brain cells, MIT Inception-like research finds March 23, 2012
Diseases Drug used for skin cancer might provide remarkable results for Alzheimer’s patients February 14, 2012
Health Tiny neuromicroscope can see inside a moving animal’s brain September 15, 2011 - Updated on October 27, 2017