Biology Your eyes give you away when you’re making a mistake — but only for certain kinds of mistakes March 12, 2019
Biology The worst of multiple sclerosis can be avoided or delayed with early treatment January 18, 2019 - Updated on January 19, 2019
Biology Your brain pays more attention to objects it knows are small — no matter how large they seem January 9, 2019
Mind & Brain Artificial Intelligence detects Alzheimer’s six years before human diagnosis January 8, 2019
Neurology Pain, the self-fulfilling prophecy: When we expect something to hurt, it does November 15, 2018 - Updated on February 22, 2019
Biology Your left hemisphere can veto the right one into submission — but they generally play nice November 6, 2018
Neurology My thoughts are my password, because my brain reactions are unique October 25, 2018 - Updated on October 26, 2018
Mind & Brain The brain replays memories as you sleep to make sure you don’t lose them October 12, 2018
Health Creative fields have a lot to benefit from people with ADHD, new study says October 10, 2018 - Updated on May 31, 2020
Discoveries Dopamine is the key allowing our brains to change beliefs — short-term ones, at least October 10, 2018
Mind & Brain Our brains don’t like having too many options to pick from because they’re lazy October 3, 2018
Mind & Brain The right video game can help children develop empathy and better emotional control August 14, 2018
Mind & Brain Egotists’ brains just don’t care about the future, affecting their choices in life April 27, 2018
Mind & Brain Alcohol makes you aggressive by impairing the polite parts of your brain February 12, 2018
Mind & Brain Pictures of snakes and spiders stress out babies: fear of these critters is deeply rooted October 23, 2017 - Updated on October 24, 2017
Interviews Mouse Mazes and Cutting Edge Science: A Discussion with Harvard’s Shuhan He October 10, 2017 - Updated on October 18, 2017
Mind & Brain Trying to resist a yawn makes you more likely to yawn — because your motor cortex is wired that way August 31, 2017 - Updated on September 1, 2017
Mind & Brain Learning and exploration might drive teenagers’ risky, bad decisions, not poor impulse control August 21, 2017
Mind & Brain Scientists poke at the root of our need for personal space — using fruit flies August 10, 2017
Neurology Dendrites generate electrical spikes too — human brain computing capacity might be 100 times larger than thought March 13, 2017
Bizarre Stories Inside the minds of real-life zombies — people who think they have a dead brain inside a living body March 3, 2017 - Updated on May 1, 2023
Neurology Scientists pick the brain of comedians to learn about the neuroscience of humor March 1, 2017
Mind & Brain Sleeping more than 9 hours a night may put you at risk of developing dementia at old age March 1, 2017
Mind & Brain Sea slugs can’t remember their dreams — and here’s why you can’t, either December 6, 2016
Mind & Brain The seat of consciousness might lie in two brain regions. Stimulating them could wake up patients from coma November 17, 2016
Animals Bees can feel optimism, possibly other ’emotion-like states’ as well, study finds October 7, 2016