Coronavirus cases and fatalities in New Jersey
A regularly-updated map of confirmed COVID-19 cases, borough by borough.
The number is based on confirmed diagnostic tests. It is very likely that the true number of COVID-19 cases is higher as many cases are asymptomatic.
New COVID-19 cases and fatalities per day in New Jersey
This is a good indicator of “flattening the curve” — when there is a steady decreasing trend, it is an indicator that the spread of the disease is slowing down.
If you’d like to use these graphs and maps on your site or articles, please e-mail us.
Cases, updates, and charts on the coronavirus crisis for each US state and territory. Just follow the links below.
How can I protect myself from COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus?
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has issued a series of steps that you can take to protect yourself. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
All gatherings of individuals, such as parties, celebrations, or other social events, unless otherwise authorized, are prohibited.
If you must leave your home:
- Do not leave your home if you are quarantined or in home isolation. If you need essential goods or services while in isolation, refer to this article.
- If you must leave home to access essential goods, please go at non-peak times. Retail food stores have been encouraged to maintain separate operating hours for senior citizens and other high-risk populations.
- You should wear a face covering whenever you leave your home and MUST wear one when shopping at essential retail businesses, entering a restaurant or bar to pick up takeout orders, or when traveling on public transportation. For more guidance on using face coverings, refer to this article.
- If you refuse to wear a face covering for non-medical reasons, a business may deny you entry. Businesses providing medication, medical supplies, or food may not deny entry, but may offer other methods of pickup or goods delivery.
- Keep your visit to essential retail stores as brief as possible, and go alone if possible.
- When shopping and standing in line, please keep six feet between yourself and others.
- Please do not enter a retail facility if you have symptoms consistent with COVID19 (such as fever or a cough), have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or are undergoing a quarantine for potential exposure to COVID-19.
For information on COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus and its impact on businesses, please visit the State of New Jersey COVID-19 business information hub at You’ll find information about resources, assistance, and regulations. On the site, you can also live chat with a representative from the NJ Department of State’s Business Action Center.
Coronavirus in New Jersey News:
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