Animals “Living fossil” fish DNA may help explain how the first animals to walk on land evolved April 19, 2013
Biology How cells and cell fragments move in opposite directions in response to electric field April 8, 2013
Animals World’s most endangered wild cat embryos frozen and stored in hope of restoration March 26, 2013
Biology Reversible evolution demonstrated for the first time after dust mite genetic study March 11, 2013
Biology A new Dinosaur species and the Crocodilian Connection March 8, 2013 - Updated on August 23, 2023
Biology Tape worm eggs found in 270 million year fossilized shark poop January 31, 2013 - Updated on February 12, 2024
Biology Microbes thrive in high altitude stormy clouds – could play role in global climate January 29, 2013
Anatomy News Punching may have shaped evolution of human hand December 20, 2012 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Biology Top 10 amazing [PHOTOS] capturing microscopic biology from 2012 December 18, 2012 - Updated on April 25, 2019
Biology Any hectare in the rainforest has about 6,000 arthropod species lurking about December 14, 2012