Anthropology Tiny, fossilized ape skull brings us closer to the common human-ape ancestor, fuels debate over humanity’s place of birth August 10, 2017
Anthropology Modern humans might’ve killed off the Neanderthals by eating all the mammoth August 8, 2017
Anthropology A lost race of hominids left their legacy in the saliva of Sub-Saharan populations July 27, 2017
Anthropology No bones needed — researchers use DNA in soil to tell if humans were around July 7, 2017
Anthropology Early Neanderthal DNA suggests a modern human-related dispersal from Africa as early as 220,000 years ago July 4, 2017
Anthropology The plot thickens: earliest Homo Sapiens fossils discovered in Morocco suggest humans evolved more than 300,000 year ago June 8, 2017
Anthropology First DNA analysis of mummies shows ancient and modern Egyptians don’t really have much in common anymore May 31, 2017
Anthropology Scientists report new trove of information on Homo naledi, the newly discovered humanoid species May 9, 2017
Anthropology ‘Hobbits’ didn’t evolve from a direct modern human ancestor. They likely originate from Africa instead April 21, 2017
Anthropology Dental plaque shows what Neanderthals took as drugs March 9, 2017 - Updated on March 10, 2017
Anthropology Seaweed might have helped determine who we are today March 8, 2017 - Updated on January 8, 2024
Anthropology Peculiar ancient skulls have both human and Neanderthal features. Could belong to a new hominid species March 6, 2017 - Updated on March 7, 2017
Anthropology Pretty rock found in Croatia points at Neanderthals’ softer, artistic side January 17, 2017 - Updated on March 10, 2017
Anthropology First humans might have arrived in North America 10,000 years earlier during the Last Glacial Maximum January 9, 2017
Anthropology Oldest footprints paint unique picture of our ancestors’ lives millions of years ago December 15, 2016
Anthropology Humans hacked walking by stepping on the heel not the toes, like other animals do December 13, 2016
Anthropology Time to update the Paleo Diet — it was heavy on plants and veggies, archaeologists found December 6, 2016
Anthropology Flints and bone from at least 300,000 years ago could be the first non-dietary tool use December 1, 2016
Anthropology Stunning photos of uncontacted Amazon tribe emerge – just as they’re threatened by illegal gold miners November 24, 2016
Animals Male chimpanzees take an active interest in their offspring’s well-being, suggests early humans did the same November 11, 2016
Anthropology This 50,000-year-old settlement found in Australia’s barren interior shows Aboriginal ancestors were skilled survivors November 3, 2016
Animals Humans may have drove cave lions extinct and used their pelts as rugs October 27, 2016 - Updated on February 22, 2019
Anthropology Monkeys in Brazil make stone flakes, which means some of those ancient tools might falsely be attributed to hominids October 20, 2016
Anthropology Hundreds of prehistoric human footprints found near African volcano tell unique story October 13, 2016
Anthropology Did the earliest Americans walk on ice or cross on water? New study sparks debate August 11, 2016
Anthropology Neanderthals’ big eyes helped them flourish, not perish as previously suggested August 10, 2016
Anthropology Facial reconstruction shows how British people looked like 3,700 years ago August 2, 2016
Anthropology Neanderthals in Belgium were cannibals and fashioned tools out the bones of their own kind July 7, 2016 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Anthropology Humans got smarter to care for needy infants, making them more helpless in the process May 26, 2016 - Updated on March 4, 2017
Anthropology Stunning cave findings show Neanderthals made fire way before humans May 25, 2016 - Updated on February 12, 2024
Anthropology A world map of Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry in modern humans March 29, 2016 - Updated on February 17, 2023
Anthropology Modern people from the Pacific Islands have remnant Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA March 21, 2016 - Updated on February 17, 2023
Anthropology 400,000-year-old fossils from Spain provide earliest genetic evidence of Neandertals March 16, 2016
Anthropology Using tools to process raw meat may have altered the course of human evolution March 10, 2016 - Updated on March 11, 2016
Anthropology Easter Island populations were not destroyed by warfare, reseach finds February 16, 2016