Anthropology ‘Ghost DNA’ belonging to ancient extinct humans is still alive in the genomes of West Africans February 13, 2020
Anthropology Sign languages evolve just like spoken languages January 22, 2020 - Updated on October 10, 2023
Anthropology Our ancestors may have always walked on two legs, 10-million-year-old ape suggests January 8, 2020
Anthropology Ostrich eggshell beads reveal cultural evolution in Africa November 27, 2019 - Updated on November 28, 2019
Anthropology Mongolia’s ancestral lifestyle and archaeological artefacts threatened by climate change November 20, 2019
Anthropology Radar reveals ancient ‘ghost’ human footprints — in mammoth footprints November 13, 2019
Anthropology Scientists find 3.8-million-year-old skull that could reshape human evolution August 30, 2019 - Updated on July 29, 2023
Anthropology Ancient Neanderthal genomes reveal surprising twist in their settling of Europe June 27, 2019
Anthropology Cities from 9,000 years ago had pretty much the same problems as those of today, study finds June 18, 2019
Anthropology Prehistoric stone tools were invented multiple times before becoming a staple June 3, 2019
Anthropology In the stone-age people recycled flint on purpose to produce precision blades May 30, 2019
Anthropology Humans and Neanderthals diverged at least 800,000 years ago, new teeth study shows May 16, 2019 - Updated on July 20, 2023
Anthropology First Denisovan fossil found outside of Siberia — our ancient “cousins” spread far and wide May 7, 2019
Anthropology World’s second-largest language family originated in northern China during the Neolithic April 24, 2019
Anthropology Archaeologists find first prehistoric figurative cave art in the Balkans April 16, 2019 - Updated on April 25, 2019
Anthropology New research suggests humanity’s ancestors began walking upright earlier than believed March 1, 2019 - Updated on March 2, 2019
Animals Bronze-age Iberians included domesticated foxes and dogs in their burial practices February 25, 2019 - Updated on April 20, 2023
Anthropology Could these fossils be the much-sought “missing link”? January 22, 2019 - Updated on April 24, 2019
Animals Traditional zebra-like tattoos protect tribes-people from insect bites January 16, 2019 - Updated on January 17, 2019
Anthropology Stone Age people were living on the Himalayan plateau 30,000 years ago December 22, 2018
Anthropology Archaeologists find 50,000 year-old tiara, made from wooly mammoth ivory December 10, 2018
Anthropology More evidence shows that Neanderthals and early humans interbred — multiple times November 26, 2018
Anthropology Neanderthal life wasn’t more violent than human life, new study suggests November 14, 2018
Anthropology Climate change caused the demise of flourishing Ancient civilization November 13, 2018 - Updated on November 16, 2018
Anthropology Ancient Gauls embalmed heads of enemies as trophies more than 2,000 years ago November 12, 2018