Agriculture Is the impact of climate change on agriculture underestimated? March 7, 2016 - Updated on March 8, 2016
Agriculture In a secret location in Michigan lies one of the longest running experiments February 23, 2016
Agriculture We’re going to need more fertilizer if we want to feed the world – much more February 16, 2016
Agriculture The International Space Station’s incredible flower garden is in full bloom January 22, 2016
Agriculture How fruits and veggies looked like before we domesticated them January 9, 2016 - Updated on April 30, 2023
Agriculture Six initiatives for sustainable agriculture announced at COP21 December 2, 2015 - Updated on June 29, 2016
Agriculture Feeding the world through global warming: Altering one plant gene makes for climate-resilient crops October 8, 2015 - Updated on October 9, 2015
Agriculture Bees get much needed win as US court rules against neonicotinoid pesticide September 16, 2015
Agriculture And then I threw it on the ground: first signs of farming come from the middle east, some 23,000 years ago July 27, 2015 - Updated on October 4, 2017
Agriculture 8,000 Year Old Wheat Found in UK, 2,000 Years Before They Started Growing it March 2, 2015
Agriculture New analysis Impact of GMO crops: pesticide down 37%, yields up 22%, profits up 68% November 6, 2014
Agriculture Incredible waster; half of Earth’s food is wasted August 25, 2008 - Updated on September 7, 2009