Discoveries How dreams affect people’s judgment and behavior February 25, 2009 - Updated on February 28, 2009
Discoveries Science proves material gifts may be the best February 15, 2009 - Updated on February 4, 2019
Biology Infants detect the beat in music 2 days after birth January 28, 2009 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Geology Danube delta holds answers to ‘Noah’s flood’ debate January 23, 2009 - Updated on April 22, 2023
Discoveries Not the kill, but the thrill is what video game players love January 20, 2009 - Updated on March 20, 2009
Discoveries Not enough reasons to give up fatty food? Well, it disrupts your biological clock too! January 11, 2009 - Updated on March 20, 2009
Research Mosquitoes make harmonic music before making sweet love January 10, 2009 - Updated on October 21, 2010
Other Contraceptive methods closely linked to women’s sexual pleasure and satisfaction December 9, 2008
Discoveries Feeling clean affects people severity in moral judgments December 2, 2008 - Updated on October 21, 2013
Genetics Smart amoebas reveal origins of primitive intelligence October 29, 2008 - Updated on October 21, 2013
Discoveries Voters-more likely to choose candidates who share their looks October 25, 2008 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Space Century old milestone broken: spotless month for the Sun September 10, 2008 - Updated on September 11, 2008
Agriculture Incredible waster; half of Earth’s food is wasted August 25, 2008 - Updated on September 7, 2009
Anthropology Adults are easily fooled by children lies August 19, 2008 - Updated on December 17, 2012
Health Potential Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Cure Found In Century-old Drug August 18, 2008 - Updated on August 19, 2008
Biology Scientists discover ‘world’s first bird’, and compare it to another July 16, 2008 - Updated on August 24, 2023