Physics Not that fast: neutrinos shown to travel at sub-light speed, refuting controversial claims March 16, 2012
Space No more worries – computer simulation shows nuclear bomb can save Earth from an asteroid March 14, 2012
Physics Physics explains why the “man in the moon” stares at the Earth March 13, 2012 - Updated on August 2, 2023
Animals Gorillas are more related to humans than previously thought, complete genome sequence shows March 8, 2012
Inventions Electron microscope based on revolutionary technique set to provide highest resolution images ever March 7, 2012
Animals Velociraptor last meal hints that it scavenged as well March 7, 2012 - Updated on August 23, 2023
Physics Fermilab’s Tevatron accelerator hints Higgs boson existance, confirms LHC data March 7, 2012 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Space Warp drive of doom – scientists find faster than light travel would end in gamma-ray blast March 6, 2012
Mind & Brain Why you shouldn’t choose wine based on what critics voice, study backs-up March 6, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Environment Ocean life threatened by mass extinction as acidification rate nears 300 million year max March 5, 2012
Mind & Brain fMRI scans reveals how ‘magic mushrooms’ inflict psychedelic effect on the brain March 1, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Science T. Rex’s bite was the strongest ever of any terrestrial being February 29, 2012 - Updated on February 9, 2024
Anthropology Neanderthals were on the verge of extinction well before humans entered Europe February 28, 2012
Genetics Sirtuin back in the highlight as longevity gene – overexpression prelongs male mice lifespan by 15% February 25, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Environmental Issues The first horse was the size of house cat and got even smaller as climate warmed 56 million years ago February 24, 2012
Genetics Men’s Y chromosome stands its ground – men aren’t going extinct! February 23, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Environment 300 million year old fossilized forest discovered under coal mine in China February 21, 2012
Research Scientists develop single-atom transistor with ‘perfect’ precision February 20, 2012 - Updated on August 15, 2022
Diseases Drug used for skin cancer might provide remarkable results for Alzheimer’s patients February 14, 2012
Science Flapping-wing aircraft gets closer to reality after breakthrough February 14, 2012 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Psychology Most people on dating websites lie about themselves. Find out how easy it is to spot them February 14, 2012
Animals Butterfly wings inspire ultra-sensitive infrared thermal imaging February 13, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Chemistry How to make photosynthetic solar panels, MIT scientist explains February 7, 2012 - Updated on October 10, 2023
Geology Drought on Mars for the past 600 million years: life impossible on surface February 5, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Animals 24 million generations later, a mouse grows into an elephant January 31, 2012 - Updated on February 8, 2013