Materials “Felting” carbon nanotubes could finally allow us to use the wonder-material at large November 23, 2017
Materials Spider silk could lead to a new generation of microphones and hearing aids November 1, 2017
Archaeology Scientists use laser scans to study one of the earliest navigation tools October 25, 2017
Green Living Renewable flip flops: scientists produce the “No. 1” footwear in the world from algae October 9, 2017
Environment New water-based lithium-ion battery will never explode in your face September 6, 2017 - Updated on January 9, 2020
Design Birmingham design student crafts cool, fully recyclable furniture — from cow dung September 5, 2017
Biology Scientists combine spider silk with graphene, create incredibly powerful web September 1, 2017
Materials Researchers design carbon yarn that generates energy from motion or waste heat August 25, 2017
Materials Water-repelling surface makes dew droplets so small, they’re practically invisible July 31, 2017
Inventions Researchers describe improved technique to extract water from brine May 30, 2017 - Updated on May 31, 2020
Materials Paper-thin device turns touch into electricity, flags into loudspeakers, bracelets into microphones May 17, 2017
Electronics 3D-printed bionic skin can give bots a sense of touch, protect soldiers from explosions May 11, 2017
Chemistry Your phone’s case and your car’s tires may soon be made from renewable, plant sugars April 25, 2017 - Updated on June 16, 2017
Biology If stem cells don’t grow as you want them to, just add a dash of parsley-husk scaffolding March 22, 2017 - Updated on April 19, 2018
Materials Czech researchers turn graphene sheets into the first stable non-metallic magnets March 7, 2017 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Materials Adding fibers to hydrogel, a soft material mostly made of water, makes it 5 times tougher than steel February 27, 2017
Environment Additive recycles incompatible mixed plastics into uber-polymer February 27, 2017 - Updated on July 12, 2023
Materials Better containers could significantly curb food waste, enable better food aid January 10, 2017
Materials MIT researchers create extremely strong and light material from graphene flakes January 9, 2017
Materials NASA plans to build robots that explore frozen worlds from metallic glass so they don’t shatter December 2, 2016
Materials Scientists make semiconductor-free chip that work similarly to vacuum tubes November 9, 2016
Electronics Atomic-sandwich material could make computers 100 times more energy efficient November 8, 2016
Materials Scientists develop tape that adheres to anything and rejects all liquids October 21, 2016 - Updated on October 22, 2016
Materials Largest database of crystal surfaces and shapes can help researchers design better materials September 13, 2016
Biology Newly developed nanomaterial looks like an anti-bacterial spike pit — but your cells can comfortably live on it August 10, 2016 - Updated on February 22, 2019