Archaeology A Second Look at the Iceman – New discoveries motivate new analyses July 22, 2015 - Updated on January 6, 2016
Archaeology Mesopotamian urban crisis after the fall of the Akkadian Empire mirrors modern Syrian one July 9, 2015 - Updated on February 13, 2024
Discoveries Study shakes answers out of the shaking disease: human prion immunity gene isolated June 11, 2015
Discoveries Newly discovered dinosaur had bat-like wings… but could it fly? April 29, 2015 - Updated on April 30, 2015
Discoveries Darwin’s ‘strangest animals’ finally classified thanks to protein sequencing March 20, 2015
Discoveries Croc ancestor was the top two-legged predator on Earth, long before T. Rex and other dinosaurs March 20, 2015
Discoveries Earliest tree-clinging and burrowing mammals show they weren’t afraid of dinosaurs February 13, 2015 - Updated on February 16, 2015
Discoveries Ancient 420-million-year-old fossil hints of bony fish and cartilaginous fish common ancestor January 13, 2015
Discoveries Microbial life found 2.4 km beneath the ocean floor – it’s the deepest marine drill ever December 16, 2014 - Updated on April 25, 2019
Biology Genetic response to starvation is passed down to at least three generations August 7, 2014 - Updated on December 22, 2022
Discoveries Pluto’s Moon may have harbored underground ocean June 17, 2014 - Updated on January 31, 2024
Discoveries This material can be turned into a solar cell by day and light source by night March 24, 2014 - Updated on November 27, 2021
Discoveries D-Wave claims it wants to release a 1,000 qubit quantum computer in 2014 January 13, 2014
Animals Dogs can sense Earth’s magnetic field… while pooping January 6, 2014 - Updated on November 23, 2016
Discoveries Nanoparticle pill delivers insulin orally with 11-fold efficiency December 2, 2013 - Updated on January 6, 2014
Animals Mere presence of opposite sex triggers premature aging in fruit flies and worms November 29, 2013 - Updated on January 6, 2014
Archaeology Earliest Buddhist shrine uncovered right at the birthplace of Buddha November 26, 2013 - Updated on January 6, 2014
Animals Oldest “big cat” fossil discovered is four millions years old November 14, 2013 - Updated on January 6, 2014
Discoveries Accidental exposure of crystal to light increases electrical conductivity 400 fold November 14, 2013 - Updated on January 6, 2014
Discoveries Stuxnet virus that crippled Iranian nuclear facility infects International Space Station November 13, 2013 - Updated on January 6, 2014
Discoveries Fossilized footprints reveal a clumsy dinosaur November 6, 2013 - Updated on November 7, 2013
Discoveries Mathematical equation helps predict calamities, financial crashes or epilepsy seizures October 28, 2013 - Updated on January 11, 2017
Discoveries Einstein’s brilliance might have been due to strong brain hemisphere connection October 7, 2013
Discoveries This insect is the first known creature gifted by nature with ‘mechanical gears’ September 25, 2013