It’s not a science contest or a fair, or anything like that; it’s way simpler than that. Here’s how it works:
What can you win:
Two great books: “Into Thick Air” and “Seven Wonders for a Cool Planet” – I really recommend them, as they’re a very good read.
How to win them:
All you have to do is leave a comment with the email you are subscribed with; if you haven’t subscribed, you’ve got to do it. Then, two weeks from now, on June 19th, we’ll randomly select the two winners.
So without further ado, may the contest begin!
Due to the fact that I had to take a small break from the blog, I was unable to announce the winners here, but they were announced via email; they are: Jeff Quipp and Bellavida. The books have been shipped and might even have arrived. The good news is that all the others who have commented here and have not won get an extra shot at the next contest (which will be very soon) – they can enter it 2 times.
Again, I’m going to apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. I hope the books will be appreciated as they should. It’s good to be back !!