Well, it seems all we’ve been writing about lately is sex and jelly fish (there’s a connection somewhere, I just can’t put my finger on it, so to speak). A recent controversial study conducted by Scottish psychologist Stuart Brody concluded that sex without condoms significantly boosts both men and women’s mental state, making them happier and less depressed.
He actually cited studies which indicate that using condoms repeatedly can lead to depression. Go figure! Professor Brody argues that we are biologically programmed to enjoy unprotected safe more because it ‘gives couples an evolutionary advantage and maximises the chances of reproducing’. Of course this theory attracted the ire of many, including Tony Kerridge of Marie Stopes International, a leading sexual health and reproductive health organisation.
“Particularly in the case of casual relationships where there is no desire to get pregnant, advice should always be that condoms should be used. It really is a no-brainer as far as we are concerned. We are seeing some of the most rapidly increasing rates of HIV among heterosexual couples in Europe.”
However, Brody replied:
“Evolution is not politically correct, so of the very broad range of potential sexual behaviour, there is actually only one that is consistently associated with better physical and mental health and that is the one sexual behaviour that would be favoured by evolution. That is not accidental.”
Keep in mind though that this study refers only to condoms and not other forms of contraception. That being said… take care and be happy!