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They started from scratch, using computational techniques to explore more than four trillion different chemical interactions.
Just like anything else, it needs constant exercise to stay in shape.
Scientists zoom in on your generosity, and it could help us understand psychopaths.
When you need medical supplies, you need them immediately and one startup promises to do it faster than anybody.
From horny freshmen to hugs and pacifiers, testosterone powers every man's relationships.
Dust-sized sensors might one day sit on the forefront of the medicine of the future.
Groundbreaking research changes the lives of paralyzed patients by helping them regain their senses.
The U.S. government threw a bone, at least.
It's got an impressive shelf-life for something you prepare by leaving outside for a few nights then stomping on it.
Tailored stem cell treatment could become a reality in the near future.
Cut down on red meat, eat more vegetables and legumes. Also, olive oil.
Named black silicon, the material literally stabs bacteria to death.
There's a physics expert inside all of us, though deeper in some than in others.
About one-third of the food produced in the world for human consumption -- 1.3 billion tons -- is wasted.
Frigatebirds spend weeks at a time flying over oceans in search for food -- here's how they sleep during this time.
Early humans were far better smokers than Neanderthals, and this might have mattered a lot in the end.
Things are rough with Zika nowadays, but scientists are now finally testing a vaccine.
Let's toast to eco-friendly grapes!
Big data is paving the way for a new generation of studies.
Have we been living a lie all this time?
Keeping your genes in good condition is priority nr.1 for all life.
The new method could treat a wide range of diseases, from diabetes to arthritis.
A new study compares the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke to that of tobacco.
Should the virus get a foothold in southern Florida, containing it might become difficult, if not impossible.
Not a modern-day disease after all.
A male sex hormone could keep our cells young forever.
What better way to top off your meal?
The key to fighting Zika might be as simple as a common flower and some water.
Despite concerns, these clones have lived long and healthy lives.
Just one extra cell type can make a huge difference.
The trial will alter T cells in an attempt to treat lung cancer patients.
Tiny robots might soon replace invasive surgery.
The more the merrier.
A particular pattern in the human brain is connected to higher levels of intelligence.
Believe it or not, there's actual scientific proof backing this advice.
Yet another damaging effect has been found to stem from the progressive form of dementia.
Looks like happy hour isn't just a human thing.
Just like space, the human brain has plenty of uncharted territory.
Blacking out from alcohol is a bit more complicated than you might think.
The discovery highlights how trait functions can change with evolution.
Painkillers in the opium family (most notably morphine) may actually make pain last longer, a new study reports. Morphine treatment after a nerve injury doubled the duration of pain in rats and this is highly worrying. It gets even more disturbing when you consider the addictive potential of many commercial opioids such as OxyContin and Vicodin. If this is […]
Human trials for the vaccine formulation will begin after the current pre-clinical studies are completed.
Healing wounds might become a whole lot easier.
The drug might be a big step forward in the treatment of postpartum depression.
This could allow us to restore vision, mobility or fight diseases like Alzheimer's.
A stingray created from living rat cells blurs the line between technology and nature.
The brain can be fooled that enough nutrients were ingested with a thick drink, despite the drink may contain little to any calories.
Some 40,000 studies need to be re-examined. Ouch.
Unsaturated fats are good for you.