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So far, the baby girl is happy and healthy.
Amazing times ahead for medicine.
Really, is it that easy? Let's hope so.
Scientists discovered how cancerous cells hide from immune system -- and how to make them targets again.
Gamers vs scientists: 2-0.
They plan to cut genes out until they learn which are involved in miscarriages.
Meeting at the United Nations, world leaders agreed that we are facing an unprecedented threat from drug-resistant bacteria.
Congress was not happy with Bresch's or the FDA's answers.
Smoking is bad for your health, and that includes genes too.
Don't kid yourself anymore. You knew all along it was BS but you still ate that toast.
And the Allen Brain Atlas is free to use. Hurray!
When out for drinks, we're careful not to be the drunkest -- beyond that, anything goes.
It worked marvelously!
For 3 in 10 people, coffee brings much more than just a morning buzz - it brings a bowel movement.
A new study offers insight into how neurons work together to make us remember stuff.
This novel treatment could help thousands live independently.
Take a look at this image. What do you think it is?
High factor sunscreen can reduce melanoma risk by 33%, Norwegian researchers found.
That's three times faster than previous attempts.
Humans have a surprising tendency to use the same sounds for the same objects -- across language barriers.
It's amazing how deception can fool even one of the strongest physical addictions.
The new stars in bug-killing.
It's important to be aware of these motivations if we want to promote long-term healthy lifestyles.
A new genetic study has revealed that we might have been looking at giraffes the wrong way all along.
A new report has shown that personal loans are “absolutely corrosive to mental health”.
Some technologies are moving too fast for our ethics to keep up.
Can't they do what we all do and count on their tentacles?
Still delicious.
A connection between reward and sleep has been found by neuroscientists. New drugs that target this circuit could help insomniacs ease into sleep.
Tiny pollution particles have been discovered in brain samples, a finding described as "dreadfully shocking" by researchers.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a final ruling effectively banning antibacterial soaps as they exist today.
They're a really tough species to fight.
The synthetic tissue is safer and more reliable than that sourced from dead pigs or human cadavers.
Clean brain, clean memories.
Tracking the plague's origins -- so something like it won't happen again.
U.N. health officials have issued a grim warning: we're running out of ways to treat gonorrhea.
The brain needs a lot of blood to be smart.
Ten years ago, the first cervical cancer vaccine was administered in Australia.
Eye drops are so last century.
Simple trick to cleanse your home.
Bless you!
This could have significant fiscal and health benefits.
The full extent of Zika is far from being known.
These truly are incredible times.
We might be the next to come.
Many users believe that smoking cannabis helps with sleeping, but science says otherwise.
The US lags behind all the developed world, and the situation in Texas is unmatched.
Zika got a whole lot scarier.
He wore a coat made from sheep and goat hides, but also a hat made from a bear's fur.
Sitting -- killing you since kindergarten.