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'It's not your fault': Two-thirds of cancers are due to random genetic mutations, but lifestyle is still very important

Only 29 percent of cancers can be attributed to lifestyle or environmental factors while heritability could explain 5 percent of cancer mutations.

Beating human heart cells were grown on a spinach leaf

This "green" technology could help to solve the organ transplant shortage.

The Fellowship of the Ring needed 675 pieces of lembas bread to reach Mordor, study finds

They would have needed fewer pieces of lembas if it weren't for those hungry 'stinking hobbitses'.

Organized information may be creativity's death knell, study found

Sometimes, we need a little chaos to get the cogs turning.

Medical breakthrough: first patient cured of a rare and painful blood disorder called CDA

Fewer than 1,000 cases are reported worldwide. Now, a breakthrough procedure offers hope to these patients who have to undergo blood transfusions every couple of weeks.

Intellectual humility might just be the most underrated personality trait

How likely are YOU to change your beliefs based on facts?

If stem cells don't grow as you want them to, just add a dash of parsley-husk scaffolding

To be fair it works with other plants too, but I was shooting for a culinary title.

Two-day long sexual 'afterglow' helps couples bond and feel more sexually satisfied after the deed

Sex -- it's good for you.

Despite a struggling economy, Italy has the healthiest citizens in the world

Money is hard to come by these days in Italy but at least people have their good health.

Are you socially anxious? It might be your genes' fault

It's all in the serotonin.

A tribe living in the Bolivian rainforest has the healthiest hearts in the world

There's a lot we can learn from these people's lifestyle.

Quantum mechanics may explain why some jokes are funny -- and others, not so much

I'd just like to point out to the researchers that there's no such thing as a bad pun.

Europeans have evolved to eat more vegetables and grains

So, eat up those veggies!

Eating a lot of cheese doesn't raise your cholesterol and is associated with lower body mass index

Cheese eaters, rejoice!

Why we shouldn't bring back the mammoth and other extinct animals

Ice Age Park would be cool, but...

3D map of the pancreas offers new tool in diabetes research

It's not flashy, but it might make a big difference.

New gene discovery could rid Dalmatians of a respiratory disease

Only Cruella de Vil wouldn't be happy.

Emotional Intelligence makes better doctors -- but bossy doctors lose empathy

Does assertiveness make us lose our empathy?

Antibiotic use kills more bees by letting in harmful bacteria

Take note, this also applies to us.

Cooking at home is cheaper, more healthy, less fattening -- a major boost for nutritional sustainability

Writing this article left me starving. To the pans!

Epilepsy patients turning more and more to medical cannabis

A new study revealed that 14% of people with epilepsy have turned to cannabis to alleviate their condition -- almost all of them report significant improvements.

Scientists ask the public's help in getting to the bottom of consciousness -- by cracking a chess problem

A novel take on consciousness.

Students will eat at the salad bar -- all it takes is marketing and some parental help

You don't need an ID for this bar.

Emotional computers really freak people out -- a new take on the uncanny valley

Be like us, but not us.

Contagious scratching may be hardwired into the brain

Sometimes you just gotta scratch, man.

New hydrogel can glue retina back into eye

This could revolutionize eye surgery!

Edible Ebola vaccine for wild apes could revolutionize how we fight the disease

It's a terrible irony.

Violent games don't affect empathy, new study finds

The debate around computer games just got more intriguing.

Robots could soon write emotional or motivating songs

Inserting feelings into Artificial Intelligence music -- the future is kinda happening already.

People who trust their doctor tend to feel better, new study finds

Trust can make you feel better.

ADHD's restlessness and impulsivity could actually make you a better entrepreneur, study finds

It comes with its own drawbacks, but looks like a great advantage overall.

Researchers complete 30% of the synthetic yeast chromosome -- synthetic life is just around the corner

Immense potential in a small cell.

Dental plaque shows what Neanderthals took as drugs

Neanderthals took the herbal equipment of aspirin and penicillin.

The price of a lab-grown burger is now $11.36 -- down from $325,000

Lab meat is becoming a pretty interesting prospect.

Fungus-derived molecule enables axon regrowth -- potentially treating brain and spinal chord injuries

Broken axons are like a broken router -- no connection.

Higher emotional intelligence can make you more vulnerable to stress -- if you're a dude

We're still not sure if it happens in women too.

Doctors record brain activity in a deceased patient 10 minutes after death

This is totally not normal and nobody knows for sure what happened.

Seaweed might have helped determine who we are today

Feasting on seaweeds is good for your brain -- in fact, it may have been crucial.

We knew it! Coffee and cocoa cocktail boosts your attention and mood

Chocolate and coffee: it's a match made in heaven!

Fructose is actually produced in the brain, new study finds

It's the first time scientists have shown fructose can be produced in the brain.

Have more sex and leave stress at the office to improve your work life

Truth be told, sex improves most experiences.

New wireless patch could help alleviate migraine pain

Technology to the rescue!

1962 vaccine breakthrough prevented 4.5 billion cases of polio, measles, rabies, hepatitis A, and many others

This man and his colleagues saved millions of lives. But you've probably never heard of him.

Inside the minds of real-life zombies -- people who think they have a dead brain inside a living body

Cotard's syndrome makes people believe they're dead and that they do not require any food, water, or even hygiene to function.

Volkswagen emission cheats will kill 1,200 people, study finds

Putting a "price tag" in terms of human lives might help us understand just how bad the situation really is.

Woolly mammoths suffered genomic meltdown right before extinction

They were cuter and silkier... but less adapted to a harsh environment.

Operating system and a movie, among others, stored in DNA with no errors. The method can pack 215 petabytes of data in a single gram of DNA

A huge breakthrough might help solve our growing 'big data' storage problem.

Burger animal feed comes from unethical sources -- deforested lands in Bolivia and Brazil

When this happens, action must be taken -- if not by lawmakers, then by consumers.

DNA tests reveal that Subway's chicken only has 50% chicken

An investigative Canadian TV program revealed that the chicken from Subway sandwiches only contain about 50% chicken.

Massive analysis of gamers' habits reveals how to best reach excellence in any skill

"Practice consistently, stay warm."

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