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The findings suggest that both foods could have a therapeutic effect against diabetes and colitis.
Recycle everything!!!
Gluten Morgen!
Hundreds of thousands of infants will be vaccinated against the mosquito-carried parasite.
"Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog."
Bacteria are getting tougher but scientists are not sitting idle.
Sugary drinks literally cause the brain to shrink, leading to poorer memory.
The drugs were manufactured to treat different conditions but they also seem to block an important pathway linked to brain cell death.
However, it's not exactly better, and it's probably not the kind of expanded consciousness you'd want.
The eyes give it away.
One test can cost 0.61 cents to make.
Amazonian shamans have been making the brew for ages. Now, science confirms for the first time its therapeutic potential against depression.
The wide-held belief that women that spend a lot of time together start having their periods start at the same time is disproved again.
Antibiotic resistance is threatening to undo a centuy's worth of medical progress.
A step in the right direction.
Bet the legislators are still subtly high-fiving over this.
A classic science experiment was revisited to explore the origin of life.
The future's tallest.
It's all in the brain.
Hundreds of chemical compounds were identified but the real tally could be in the order of thousands.
You probably don't need that breast implant but if you want it... make sure you work with a certified doctor.
I don't even want to speciate.
It's more effective than welding a slab of steel on the Death Star's thermal exhaust port.
It's heritable.
Please don't do it with these people, ladies.
Sink your teeth into this story.
Does this not look delicious to you?
It's all a matter of perspective.
This new research center is set to deliver quite a buzz.
Smoking tobacco with hookah pipes is not harmless at all, despite what you might have heard.
In 2015, one in ten people died because of smoking.
Results would be conveniently transmitted to your smartphone.
How bittersweet...
The report confirms getting infected in the first trimester comes with the most risks.
From bad to worse.
Immunization is important.
Tiny fish, big fangs, huge possibilities.
Don't get too upset if your child doesn't seem to understand your worries. But no more excuses past age 4....
Because nothing bad ever comes alone.
Your body probably won't even tell the difference.
Does it have PMS too?
Video games have a negative impact, but religion was three times more likely to make teens sexist.
Exercising makes you stronger in every way.
Chow down.
The forests are silent now.
It's similar to how Facebook's facial tracking algorithm works, only much more useful.
For humans, the same kind of therapy seems years away.
Surprisingly, getting neither isn't that bad for your results.