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Giving babies their own room makes them sleep more, new study finds

There's still a lot of debate.

Shape changing noodles are the future of pasta

Just add water.

You’d have to run 15% faster on a treadmill to workout as hard as outside

At the end of the day, you decide which works best for you.

Superantibiotic is now 25,000 times stronger than its predecessor

Our last line of defense just got a lot stronger.

We're entering a new age of genetic editing, as flurry of CRISPR trials already gear up

This could usher in a wondrous era for genetic science, but risks also loom nearby.

It's not fun and games with CRISPR: the technique can induce hundreds of unwanted mutations

Even with over 1000 unexpected mutations, the mice seemed healthy and normal.

Learning to read changes your brain from stem to cortex, study finds

The more you do it, the better it gets.

Study shows the martial art of Tai Chi is effective against depression

Fighting depression with a martial art.

Lack of sleep makes your brain start eating itself

Yikes! I'm off to bed.

New study shows how Zika might re-emerge and strike the United States

The US is certainly not safe from Zika.

Mouse space sperm could pave a new era of space exploration

Space sperm to the rescue!

Replacing beef with beans on Americans' plates might be the fastest way to cut CO2 emissions

If Americans ate beans instead of beef, the U.S. would realize 50 to 75% of its 2020 GHG-reduction targets.

CBD oil made from cannabis cuts rare epileptic seizures in half

Although anecdotal evidence abounds, this is the first time science confirms cannabis compounds can treat epilepsy.

Do probiotics actually work? Let's hear what the science says

There's little evidence probiotics helps you medically.

About 73% of sunscreens don't work as they claim or contain harmful ingredients

Many consumers can get burned.

Ancient climate change turned whales into Earth's largest organisms ever , study reports

Do you think they get self-conscious about their weight?

What are free radicals and antioxidants?

Eat your fruits and veggies, folks.

A muffin a day might keep the doctor away -- if you eat this special muffin

Delicious and healthy? Sign me up!

Major study explored the biology of human intelligence and found 40 new genes that play a role

What shall we do with this information?

The first hominids might have evolved in Europe, fossil jaw suggests

Emphasis on might.

Grilling or microwaving mushrooms best preserves their nutritional properties

If you've always wondered how to best cook mushrooms -- these Spanish scientists have your back.

Teaching school children to sniff out bogus medical claims works

Education > fake news

Washington researchers want you to smoke pot -- for science

For science!

Temporary swallowable gastric balloon helps obese lose 15kg on average in only 4 months without surgery

A huge innovation set to help a lot of people.

Exposure to BPA might reprogram the brains of turtles -- affecting them genetically

It changes their genes.

Virtually all sea salt is contaminated with microplastic, study finds

Pass me the sea salt please, and hold the plastic.

Researchers identify main factors of home indoor air pollution: marijuana surprisingly plays a big role

Hint: it's smoking in.

Neuron cluster which can override sleep identified in the fruit fly brain

95% of students like this bundle of neurons.

Early farmers probably didn't really know how to select crops -- but they were very lucky

Domestication could've well happened on its own.

Using public transportation reduces obesity and makes people healthier

Driving around all day is pretty bad for your health -- and for the environment.

Female mice birth and nurse healthy offspring after being grafted with prosthetic ovaries

That's a pretty impressive print.

Beauty sleep is a real thing, researchers find

Not getting enough sleep makes people want to avoid you. Seriously.

Our sense of smell is just as good as rodents' or dogs'

Poor human olfaction is a 19th-century myth, says scientist.

Drinking too much caffeine can kill you -- Latte, soda, and energy drink combo kill US teen

Three cups of coffee is already too much.

Mussel-glue-and-protein balm could spell the end of scars forever

Sadly, not very effective against emotional scars.

Alcohol doesn't change our personality as much as we blame it

This doesn't mean you can't keep blaming it.

France's ban on unhealthily skinny models just came into force

The standard of beauty should not be unhealthy.

World Health Organization confirms second Ebola case in new outbreak

The disease rears its ugly head again.

Feeling down? Walk it off! No really, walking is all you have to do

Who said you can't run from your problems?

Brazil says Zika epidemic is officially over

Although authorities are still on alert, the Zika epidemic seems to have backed off.

Controversial microbeads study gets withdrawn -- doesn't mean microbeads aren't bad for the environment

Bad science can have dramatic consequences, so it's important to weed it out.

Good news: Cheese doesn't raise your risk of heart disease

The common belief that cheese and dairy are bad for your heart is simply wrong, a new review of 29 previous studies found.

Want better, cheaper health care? Pay doctors a flat salary, not per procedure, behavioral economists say

Doctors? Having conflicts of interests? Can't be.

Biology imparts us with instinctive color categories -- culture only shapes them

Color is hardwired into the brain.

In some U.S. counties, life expectancy can vary by as much as 20 years

Overall, life expectancy has increased in the country but not as much as it should have. The gap between many counties supports this argument.

Our perception of a character comes not from their actions, but from how they compare to others

There's a thin line between hero and villain -- one we redraw quite liberally.

Employees in low-level jobs are more stressed than superiors, and this imbalance follows through retirement as well

Stress grows the lower down the ladder you go.

Oxford student creates the first synthetic retina from soft, biological materials

A synthetic retina developed from soft materials offers new hope for the visually impaired.

World's heaviest woman drops over 300 kgs (713 Pounds) after ambitious surgery

She weighed more than 500 kilograms!

Cell maps reveal how the body fights off cancer

Bunch up!

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