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Undergoing a lung CT scan can help people quit smoking -- regardless of results

Having problems quitting smoking? A CT scan might help you.

The eye of the friend zone: relationship goals influence how each person looks at potential friends or mates

One person's crush could be the next one's prospective friend. The psychology of attraction is far more complex than we thought.

Biblical Canaanites live on in modern-day Lebanese people, with which they share 93% DNA

Turns out the Israelites didn't wipe out the Canaanites after all.

Ketamine has encouraging effects for depression but long-term consequences are still unclear

Ketamine is remarkable against depression but questions remain about the long-term risks.

A man's sweet tooth can increase the risk of anxiety and depression

Bad news, everyone.

Scientists edit the first human embryos in the United States

It's further than anyone has ever gone with gene editing in the United States.

A lost race of hominids left their legacy in the saliva of Sub-Saharan populations

Unlikely discoveries hide in unlikely places.

Your family history might say a lot about your health history

Your family history might tell a lot about your own health.

Neuropathologist examines brains of 111 N.F.L. players, finds 99% had degenerative disease linked to repeated blows to the head

This is something every football players should be aware of.

The United States slides towards measles epidemics (again) because people don't vaccinate

Non-medical exemptions and widespread misinformation are to blame.

Western males have lost nearly 60% of their sperm count since the 1970s

Exposure to new man-made chemicals might be to blame.

Child in South Africa becomes HIV free

This could be a game changer.

Scientists want to reduce mosquito population. By releasing 20 million mosquitoes

It seems counterintuitive, but it can work.

Over one third of all dementia cases could be prevented by actions that begin in childhood

Dementia is not inevitable. Staying healthy is the first step to challenge it.

How hot is a sauna, and other steamy facts, according to experts

There's a big difference between wet saunas and dry saunas.

Second gene-silencing mechanism found, could lead to viable clones and safer in vitro

It's gotta be pretty important if it has a back-up system in place.

A single 'letter' difference in their DNA made some whales huge, others sleek and predatory

That's one really dramatic typo.

Massive simulation of the HIV 'shell' reveals new vulnerabilities that we might exploit to eliminate the virus

It took two years on a supercomputer to simulate 1.2 microseconds in the life of the HIV capsid.

Not all plant-based diets are the same when it comes to heart health

Eating plants doesn't necessarily make you healthier, but eating the right one certainly does.

Diet soda might actually make you fatter, new study suggests

Thought you're safe with sugarless drinks? Think again.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but we need to discuss snortable chocolate

The latest snuff craze sweeping through America is not even that worrying; it's just silly.

Too much hair, or too little? There's a single mechanism that causes both and we could fix it with meds

And in the future we should be able to control it with a pill.

Science-based birth control app gets EU approval

The app, which is the brainchild of a Higgs Boson physicist, has been certified as a valid birth control in the European Union.

Daily crosswords linked to sharper brain later in life

Your granny is on to something here.

Silicon 3D-printed heart looks and functions much like the real deal

It could transform how heart transplants work.

People aren't sticking to their prescription, and that's a big problem

Every year thousands of people mistakenly take or receive the wrong medication and millions more don’t take their medication as prescribed.

What creature plans and understands what's in store? Quoth the raven, Nevermore

They've outsmarted all primates, and even four-year-old children.

Are you living in a lazy or an active country? Study maps how much the world walks

Turns out, activity inequality is a great predictor of obesity rates.

They're everywhere on facebook, and now scientists have stored a GIF inside a living bacteria with the help of CRISPR

It's the first time CRISPR was used to store and retrieve media from DNA.

Adolescent girls and boys may experience depression differently

Your gender might have a say in how people experience mental disorders.

One in five bots sharing fake news during France's presidential election were also involved in the United States'

Oh my, now isn't this a very strange coincidence?

For the first time, a vaccine for gonorrhea proves effective

Bacterial strains that cause gonorrhea have become resistant to antibiotics.

What is pasteurization, and how does it keep milk fresh for 9 months at a time?

What wizardry is this!? Find out here.

We're losing the battle with gonorrhea. No clear treatment in sight, and things might get even worse

Gonorrhea, which just flew beneath our radar, might be one of the most dangerous diseases in the world.

The internal urge to eliminate uncertainty favors conspiracy theories

Cognitive closure might compel some to love tinfoil.

Oral sex might be helping the spread of unstoppable bacteria

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Facebook: where relationship builders, town criers, window shoppers, and selfies come to chat

Which one are you?

No bones needed -- researchers use DNA in soil to tell if humans were around

This can be a game changer.

Our sense of smell might be connected to our extra pounds -- in more ways than one

Not smelling food makes your body burn more calories, researchers suggest.

Researchers develop probiotic beer that "boosts your immunity and improves gut health"

If you needed another reason to enjoy your beer -- here yo go!

Getting rid of an invasive shrub reduces the number of malaria-spreading mosquitos

Another reason why invasive species can be harmful.

France to make vaccination mandatory from 2018: 'unacceptable children are still dying of measles'

The move has been backed by the nation's leading doctors.

Novel method can image cancer spreading at the single-cell level

It's now possible to see how individual cancer cells move through the body of a mouse.

American mothers are weirdly starting to eat placentas -- and that might be fatally dangerous for babies

Yet another stupid health fad is making waves.

Early Europeans may have survived the Ice Age because of arthritis

Ok, but can it go away now?

Bad beef: Despite pledge, Burger King continues to cause massive deforestation

It's up to us, the consumers, to make a difference.

Is lighting up the answer to America's opioid epidemic?

Opiates kill pain -- but they also kill people.

Scientists decode complex sentences with 'mind reading' tech

The mind is not the closed book we think it is.

What is Vertigo: the most common type of dizziness

Vertigo isn't always fun -- here's everything you need to know about the most common type of dizziness.

Older fathers tend to raise geekier children

Age matters!

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