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Death creeps through the brain as a "spreading wave" of silence and inactivity

In a dark way, these findings are quite soothing.

Breastfeeding provides benefits for mother’s heart health later in life

More proof that nursing is beneficial to mothers as well.

Children struggle to hold pens because of too much touchscreen exposure

Experts say children's finger muscles have to be exercised by playing with real toys.

Working at a standing desk leads to "muscle fatigue" and "deteriorates mental states"

Sitting isn't good for our health. But neither is standing. The solution lies somewhere in the middle.

Scientists successfully undo cocaine-induced cardiovascular damage in mice

Modulating a cocaine pathway dramatically reduced heart damage in mice on cocaine.

Put your phone away if you want to enjoy your night out, study suggests

Unlike apps, happiness doesn't seem to come through your phone.

Scientists build electrical circuit out of four-stranded DNA

The research could inspire a novel class of microelectronics based on DNA.

Hearing loss and memory loss might go hand in hand

The findings only carry for one specific type of hearing loss.

Childbirth can make women's cells age faster than smoking or obesity

Scientists discovered that having children significantly shortened telomeres (genetic markers of aging).

Scientists show how fat cells help heal wounds in fruit flies [VIDEO]

An exciting research catches fat cells migrating by themselves for the first time.

Eating healthy foods protects against depression, new study suggests

What's good for your heart is also good for your mind, science shows.

One tiny mutation could triple the world's production of grain

Not bad for one gene.

On-site medical imaging is critical in diagnosing injured Olympians

About 1 in 15 athletes were injured and scanned.

Doctors remove what's possibly world's largest brain tumor from Indian man's skull

It was like the tumor “sat like a head on top of another head,” doctors recalled.  

Alcohol is THE most important preventable factor for dementia

Put that glass down, It's not good for you.

External temperature also influences our circadian rhythms, study reports

It's not just low light that makes us sleepy.

How bats don't get sick despite carrying the highest number of viruses

It's the most disease-infested mammal in the world but yet bats not only survive, they thrive. What's their secret?

Soft, eel-inspired device can produce up to 110 volts

From electric creatures to better pacemakers and even prosthetics.

Antidepressants do work, largest ever analysis suggests

It's the biggest antidepressant review, and it has encouraging conclusions.

Alcohol might lead to postsexual regret more than ecstasy or marijuana

Men experienced sexual dysfunction when consuming alcohol or taking molly, while women had problems when smoking pot.

In the future, we could be all snacking on jellyfish chips

Don't be so quick to say no.

Can We Outsmart The Smartest Virus On The Planet?

It's not as simple as you'd think.

Drinking two glasses of wine a day, keeps premature death away

A study found moderately drinking wine lowered risk of premature death more than exercising.

Google AI can now look at your retina and predict the risk of heart disease

After analyzing data from over a quarter million patients, the neural network can predict the patient's age (within a 4-year range), gender, smoking status, blood pressure, body mass index, and risk of cardiovascular disease.

TV shows such as Gray's Anatomy distort our expectations of trauma care

Grey's Anatomy was a really good show, but it's still just a show.

Scientists discover how ketamine is so good against depression

The team believed that ketamine affected a small part of the brain, called the lateral habenula, also known as the “anti–reward center.”

Scientists breed first sheep-human hybrid -- but there's no reason to freak out

The goal is to ultimately harvest organs for transplant in human patients.

Women who regularly use cleaning supplies risk lung damage, study shows

There were no significant differences in the decline of lung function between men who worked in the cleaning business and non-cleaning men.

New objective blood test could diagnose autism in children

The test could be a game changer for identifying autism.

Poor fitness leads to poor brain health, new study finds

Mens sana in corpore sanome

Copper-coated uniforms for medical staff could help shred bacteria in hospitals

It's a pretty metal solution.

Man-made: we've domesticated our own species

Does this make us pets?

Novel cancer 'assassin' discovered: Huntington's Disease

Repetitive RNA molecules found in Huntington's disease are toxic to cancerous cells.

Strong link found between ultra-processed foods and cancer

Bottom line: cut down on the processed foods.

Case review: first transgender woman to breastfeed ever

A 30-year-old transgender woman successfully breastfed her baby for six weeks, until her milk production had to be supplemented with formula.

Stress ruins memory, but you can outrun this effect

Stress and memory don't mix very well.

Scientists find promising new antibiotic -- in the soil

Digging gold from dirt.

Eating quickly might favor weight gain, study suggests

The results showed that 21.5% of the slow-eating group was obese, compared to almost 30% of the normal-speed eaters and 45% of the fast-eating group.

How your waterproof jacket might be making you fat

Chemicals commonly used in non-stick pans or stain-free clothing might promote obesity.

Physical exercise is more important for health than weight, study reports

Being healthy doesn't mean losing weight.

Arizona woman goes to bed with terrible headache, wakes up with British accent

This is stranger the fiction. The woman in question insists that there's nothing funny about all of this.

Alcohol makes you aggressive by impairing the polite parts of your brain

Ever heard the idiom "as peaceful as a drunkard"? No? Here's why.

Far-ultraviolet lamps could eradicate airborne viruses in public spaces -- with no risk to us

It can't go through our skin, but it will wreck viruses and bacteria.

Meat substitutes in Europe have grown by 451% in the past four years

Eating more legumes and less meat is one of the healthier, more environmentally-friendly things you can do.

Schizophrenia patients can calm down their brain by playing a computer game

Participants were able to better control their hallucinations after playing a computer game.

Eating leafy greens every day helps your memory, fights cognitive decline

Eat your greens!

Narcissistic? It could have to do with the social system that you grew up in

A study finds lower narcissism and higher self-esteem in Eastern German teens.

Study reveals how ants produce antibiotics

You can't spell antibiotic without ant.

Low levels of alcohol are good for the brain

This isn't meant to advocate drinking, but...

A worm's brain was uploaded to a hard drive and put to the test -- without a single line of code

The distinction between brain and computer has never been blurrier.

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