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In news today: people still like jokes.
Maybe this is not so surprising after all.
Don't text and drive. That's all.
Just throw them in the trash if you don't want them on your plate later on.
From sweet syrup to anti-aging cream, maple seems more versatile than we thought.
The future is here.
One of the deadliest cancers may have found its match.
It's a win-win!
Apparently, this is a problem.
Not a second too soon.
Low-carb diets endorsed by any celebrities might cause you to die earlier.
Alcohol can ruin lives. But now a novel type of surgery could help some of the most hopeless addicts.
More food for less effort? Sign me up!
Get your good 8 hours of sleep, if you don't like being lonely.
Although the insecticide was banned decades ago, it still persists in the environment.
Pregnant women can be reassured there is no risk of autism to their babies due to Tdap vaccine.
The game is only being used for research purposes and is not available to the public, but has helped inform other games being submitted to the FDA for clinical applications.
Opioids don't really do any good here, and they might pave the way for an unwanted addiction.
Researchers hope the findings lead to a new class of drugs to help treat bowel diseases.
A weak handshake may be a sign of unhealthy outcomes in the future, according to a new study.
Be careful with your screen time. 'Night mode' is definitely a must.
A jury in San Francisco concluded that exposure to Roundup, Monsanto’s widely used herbicide, caused cancer and ordered the company to pay US$289 million in damages.
Health care systems must recognize the need for sex -- older people are not asexual.
How old do you feel, really?
High-speed internet makes electronic devices more interesting... and we seem to be losing track of our bed time.
But that doesn't mean their fertility is necessarily affected.
Glow your own way.
A new study suggests obesity may play an important role in flu transmission.
Foxy genes.
Vaccines could go a long way towards alleviating poverty in the area.
Having willpower makes you less susceptible to visceral states.
Welcome to selling strategies, where ethics are made up and your health doesn't matter!
Humans a bringing about cancer to a staggering amount of wild species.
"Overall screen time seems to be increasing -- if portable devices are allowing for more mobility, this has not reduced overall sedentary time nor risk of obesity," says Tracie A. Barnett, one of the paper's authors.
Saunas really do have a positive health effect, a new review concludes.
Another uphill battle against bacterial infections.
Having babies actually makes them live longer.
It's a landmark achievement in regenerative medicine.
Does this mean we see everything through a bird's eye view?
Sorry, ladies.
Stay flexible!
The grains can be made into a paste containing anti-HIV proteins.
Scientists report that electric fans might be a bad idea for people aged 60 or older.
A parasite infection generally spread by cat feces may be making some people fearless.
You're likely applying too little sunscreen, greatly diminishing its protection against harmful UV radiation.
Getting high frequently may make it difficult to imagine a personal future.
As if climate change didn't bring enough problems.
A concerning study has found that cirrhosis-related deaths have increased by 65 percent from 1999 to 2016.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the dozens of cannabinoid compounds found in the cannabis plant.
Well, this is unexpected.