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LSD may cause mind-blowing trips by messing with the brain's sensory filter

LSD = sensory overload.

Poor sleep makes people more sensitive to pain

More and more people around the world aren't getting enough sleep -- and that's just painful.

People make value judgements based on gossip -- even when its explicitly labeled as untrustworthy

'Soft' fake news is just as bad as blatant lies.

How muscle memory works -- and why you just don't lose it

Use it or lose it -- until you use it again, that is.

Telemedicine boosts patient satisfaction in post-op care, study finds

This could be a way to provide much-needed healthcare in isolated areas.

Autism may actually extend across three spectrums, not just one

As if the disorder wasn't complicated enough.

Scientists may have finally found out what causes Alzheimer's -- and it might actually be those bleeding gums

Gum disease toxins enter the brain where they may cause Alzheimer's, according to new research.

Do adult humans really generate new neurons?

Science is often not about settling a debate, but about asking the right questions.

More than half of parents try non-scientific methods to stave off the common cold

Researchers advise parents to employ strategies that are evidence-based -- otherwise, their well-intended measures might not amount to all that much.

Stress might reduces fertility in women, but not in men

Couples looking to conceive might want to try some stress management first.

Eating before going to sleep might not be all that bad, researchers find

Just don't go overboard with the snacks.

Targeted cognitive training improves symptoms in patients with severe schizophrenia

"Our results suggest that chronically ill, highly disabled patients can benefit from TCT," said the authors. "That contradicts current assumptions."

If you think cats are antisocial, it's probably you, new study concludes

It's probably your fault -- of course.

We can eradicate malaria -- but we need to use new tricks

Improvise, adapt, eliminate.

Vaccine hesitancy among the top 10 global health threats

Real doctors and healthcare professionals support vaccines to stave off potentially deadly infections.

New research shows air pollution sours our mood and makes us unhappy

The study was performed on Chinese cities -- but the air pollution problem is very much a global one.

Scientists find hidden blood vessels inside bone

The findings might lead to new treatments for bone inflammation and tissue injuries.

Hookah smoking is becoming more popular, despite health concerns

It's alluring, interesting -- and unhealthy.

More companies are giving employees food -- but it's often unhealthy

Employers should be more aware of what food they bring to the workplace.

Happiness exercises could help those recovering from substance abuse

I'm not recovering from anything and I still need these exercises in my life.

The worst of multiple sclerosis can be avoided or delayed with early treatment

The study is the first to provide evidence that currently-available treatments can delay the progress of MS.

The planetary diet: here's what you need to eat to save the planet

Want to stay healthy and save the world? Here's how.

Traditional zebra-like tattoos protect tribes-people from insect bites

A stripe a day keeps the bug bites away!

Staying fit halves the risk of a heart attack

There is apparently no upper limit for training when it comes to the beneficial effects for the heart.

Part-time workers with flexible schedules work more unpaid overtime -- especially mothers

How do you 'not bring work home with you'.... when working from home?

WHO report: You should eat 25g of fiber every day -- and you probably don't

Fiber helps protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and a swarm of other health issues.

Want your kids to be calmer and have improved mental health? Connect them to nature, scientists say

Many parents have been suspecting this for a while -- now we have the science to confirm it.

Scientists learn how horrible face cancer spreads among Tasmanian devils

The research could be a game-changer in the fight to save the devils.

DNA pioneer James Watson stripped of honorary titles after racist remarks

It's not the first time Watson has made racist statements.

Zapping the brain with mild electrical current controls anger and aggression

The non-aggressive procedure went deep into the neural circuits of aggression.

Tetris therapy could help reduce flashbacks for PTSD patients

Pre-Tetris stress disorder?

Your brain pays more attention to objects it knows are small -- no matter how large they seem

Want more attention? Science says, be smaller.

There's no such thing as an ideal diet, new study suggests

Eat more fibers, less energy dense foods, and you'll probably be alright.

Artificial Intelligence detects Alzheimer's six years before human diagnosis

The age of AI doctors is dawning upon us.

The rogue Chinese scientist who made the first gene-edited human babies could face death penalty

He Jiankui is currently confined to his home and under armed guard.

Police officers face and dole out more violence when their weapons aren't concealed

Even with non-lethal weapons.

Negative mood may trigger inflammation in the body

Which comes with its own problems.

Photosynthesis genetic shortcut makes crops 40% more productive

This could be a game changer in the face of rising food demand.

Holocaust survivors are sicker but live much longer than Israelis who weren't persecuted

Perhaps we can learn to live longer without having to go through such terrible experiences.

Anonymous drug testing at festivals can save lives. Study finds 1 in 5 drugs were not as sold

A different strategy for tackling drug fatalities at festivals.

Is CBD oil safe for pregnant women?

CBD research is woefully lacking.

Bacteria in ancient Druid "healing soil" found to stop the growth of super bugs

It even stops MRSA.

What are the most addictive drugs on Earth?

The answer depends on whom you ask.

Bees use a small number of neurons to count, and they're one of the best counters we know

They're so cute and fuzzy, too <3.

A third of Americans sleep less than six hours a night

It's a growing trend that confirms Americans are getting very stressed.

Exercise is as good as medicine for lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension

For some patients, even low-intensity exercise could get them off meds.

Freelancing might be bad for your health, a new study suggests

Working as a freelancer? You might want to read this.

Irish dirt might cure the world of (most) multi-drug-resistant bacteria

Dirt me uuuuupppp.

An ancient recipe for chicken and damsons

An old, delicious recipe.

Engaging in cultural activities can stave off depression in old age

If nothing else, at least you'll have some fun attending!

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