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The brain seems to treat how it listens and recalls music in opposite directions.
The balance between the storage and removal of lipids in fat cells is disrupted as we grow older.
Fish is in the eye of the beholder.
Fewer people are addicted to tobacco in the UK than ever.
People with heart disease are at least six times more likely to have a heart attack after coming down with the flu.
The findings are exciting -- but they also raise important ethical questions. Could someday lab-grown brains become conscious?
Recycling? Taking the bus? Better light bulbs? That's all good, but how about taking fewer flights, eating more plants, and having fewer children?
Weakened hurd immunity makes even vaccinated people vulnerable to mumps.
The same bang for a fraction of the buck.
So far, the test has been shown to work in mice
"We basically short-circuited the stored energy."
Getting proper sleep is one of the most important things you can do to avoid heart disease.
Teenage women who used birth control pills were at a higher risk of clinical depression years later.
Cavities are a pain but we might now finally have an alternative to fillings.
Society is still struggling to deal with gluten.
Some lucky people naturally need less sleep than everybody else.
It's a bit unusual, to say the least -- but could be quite useful.
This misconception about homosexuality needs to go away.
A new report suggests that fentanyl has a lot of potential market growth in the western U.S.
The resurgence of a preventable disease.
Here's an addiction you probably didn't know about: khat.
Gut bacteria + red wine = <3
No other team has successfully applied gene-editing techniques to reptiles.
In recent times, the human diet has changed substantially. We have access to an unprecedented variety of foods, yet meat consumption has increased dramatically: from 20 kilograms a year in 1961, to around 43 kilograms in 2014. However, recent studies have increasingly found that meat consumption can have negative health effects, and substitute meat for […]
In case you needed another reason to run down to the animal shelter, here's one.
We need to step up our game, a lengthy report shows.
"The takeaway is that this mechanical itch sensation is distinct from other forms of touch and it has this specialized pathway within the spinal cord," the authors explain.
Nigeria announced that three years have passed since it last recorded a case of polio, a key step towards eradicating the notorious disease in Africa, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This is a big change from 2012 when the country accounted for more than half of all polio cases worldwide. While it can […]
A blood test that scores a person's risk of death in the next five years could be based on these molecules.
Roughly 14% of respondents said they had to bribe to obtain care at least once in the past year.
Americans' spending on drugs rivals spending on alcohol.
Breathe in that sweet urban air.
People who visit an urban park use happier language and express less negativity on Twitter for up to four hours.
Men's empathy for other men is likely at play, the new study suggests.
The treatment is not only safe, but appears to be more effective than existing options.
What do you think doctors should do in this situation?
"It is stunning to observe how suggestions can influence brain activity," the authors say.
According to the research, the vaccine was “well-tolerated without any overt toxicity”.
Few people affected by drug-resistant survive TB but new treatments offer a silver lining.
Choosing the sex of babies may be possible.
Researchers may have finally found a way to prevent the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world.
"Now we can say that 90 percent can come out of treatment cured,” one scientist said in a statement.
Luckily it's not the only one because I already have it. Double helpings.
study proved that one way to treat cancer is by exploiting one of its loopholes to convert cancerous cells into harmless fat, stopping it from growing and "healing" the body in the process.
"Our findings support both the notion that PTSD is not unnatural, and that long-lasting effects of predator-induced fear with likely effects on fecundity and survival, are the norm in nature."
Celiac disease could someday be diagnosed with a few hours instead of weeks or months.
Choose your food wisely and demand more of producers, the researchers advise us.
Some people thrive on waking up at 4 AM every day -- and this might run in the family.
Supermarket shelves are packed with a variety of cooking oils -- but which on to choose?
Don't be afraid!