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A survey of more than 24,000 Canadians found that for those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), medicating with cannabis reduced the likelihood of experiencing severe depression and suicidal thoughts. As of 2018, cannabis is legal both recreationally and medically in Canada. This has made the drug more readily available to the general population, but […]
Urban homes are artificial environments that foster fungi development.
We like it easy... but not too easy.
The research suggests that there is no safe period to consume marijuana during pregnancy.
The research began in 1997 thanks to a unique sugas in seaweed
A study on mice found that having sugary drinks can affect your body in more than one way: in addition to having a lot of sugar, they also disrupt the liver’s ability to burn fat. Traditionally, fat was primarily blamed for weight gain. It seems to make a lot of sense, right — fat makes […]
My joints always hurt when it rains.
Luckily deep sleep is the best medicine.
Any amount of running is linked to a significantly lower risk of death from any cause, the paper found.
With the global trend of vaccine hesitancy, skeptical parents are refusing to get their children vaccinated due to false concerns about their safety.
"It's obviously not just about being smart," the authors say.
Essential and trace minerals are crucial for our health. But is a balanced diet enough to cover the recommended intake?
A new procedure could remove mutant proteins that kill neurons
Researchers took inspiration on spiders for this new solution
I'd bite.
Democrats and Republicans disagree on many problems -- but they agree that more sexual education needs to be taught in school, a new survey reports.
A new study looking into social bonding dynamics for vampire bats reports that friendships they make in captivity are likely to continue after the animals are released back into the wild. While primates are the most iconic group of animals when it comes to social dynamics and friendships, the new study suggests that vampire bats […]
This could lead to new treatments for certain mental illnesses.
The pill might trigger hormonal changes in developing teens that may make them more prone to depression.
A new study reports that there are four broad categories for the motivations that drive human behavior: prominence, inclusiveness, negativity prevention, and tradition. What do people want? That’s a question psychologists have been trying to answer for a long time now, albeit with little agreement on the results so far. In an attempt to put […]
Around the world, thousands of people die every year from snakebite – and there’s not enough antivenom to go round. But even if we had the antivenom we needed, would people use it?
Tiny particles penetrate into the lungs and the bloodstream
Experts described the risk of infection as "very low," but called on members of the public to be aware of ticks.
Vitamin D might mediate the link between sunlight and healthy bacterial diversity in the gut.
It's the size of a grain of sand.
A wider use of healthier diets could reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture
It's a very promising development.
Meal sizes were between 29% and 48% larger compared to when eating alone.
They told me my new haircut was crazy but I never expected this!
A basic intervention could encourage kids to eat healthier food.
A neural network interprets the thoughts of paralyzed patients who image using a pen to form letters and words.
Choose wisely.
A most surprising connection.
E. coli may cause food poisoning, urinary tract infections, or intestinal infections.
Unlike most of us, rats seem to find driving relaxing. A team of U.S. scientists reports training a group of rats to drive tiny vehicles around in exchange for treats (Froot Loops cereal). The team found hormonal cues suggesting that the animals found driving around to be relaxing, maybe even fun and enjoyable. The findings […]
A major milestone in the global effort to eradicate all poliovirus strains.
They can lead to serious health harms in kids and adults
Judging by the findings, I should be completely drug-resistant forever.
Rising concern about climate change has spurred a flurry of Silicon Valley biotech startups focused on plant-based alternative meats.
Mice first, then humans.
“This is an important step towards relieving the burden of this deadly disease."
Bottoms... up?
Bacteria that cause ulcers and gastric cancer are becoming increasingly resistant to our antibiotics.
Silly me, I thought they were the ideal fuel period.
The embryos successfully grew fetal structures in female mice uteruses.
Mucus contains sugars that can interfere with bacteria’s communication and behavior, a new study found.
None of the 34 top-selling sweetened children's drinks met expert health recommendations.
Mandatory labeling could encourage supermarkets and restaurants to offer healthier, more nutritional foods.
Some people's moods are more resilient to sleep deprivation thanks to the way white matter is arranged in the brain.
Climate change and poverty can increase the risk of an outbreak, researchers warn.