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That theory that there are a lot of mild cases not being counted? It's probably not true.
As the novel coronavirus hits Italy, the chances of containment take a serious blow.
Having and maintaining an active lifestyle is one of the joys of life. It’s both a necessary part of our physical health and a great stress reliever to help with the darker, gloomier days. When we work out and get those reps in, there is always a risk of some kind of mechanical mishap with […]
Italy suspends Venice Carnival, while China calls off its parliament.
Plaque removal could lower the risk of heart attack or stroke, a new study suggests. The study focused on Plaque HD, a type of toothpaste that highlights dental plaque for easier removal with a brush. A new study showed that improved oral hygiene can help lower the risk of diseases such as stroke or heart […]
Local meats are much worse than exotic fruits and vegetables.
By the end of the decade, most new drugs could be discovered by AIs.
Nanoparticles injected in the site of injury prevents immune cells from scaring the spinal the cord and damaging nerve cells.
Despite billions of dollars worth of capital flowing into digital healthcare startups, many are vulnerable to imminent collapse.
Seems you can learn some useful tips from watching TV after all.
Just one week of switching to a diet of burgers, waffles, milkshakes, and sugary cereals can be enough to trigger significant memory and learning impairements.
Electrically stimulating a region of the brain woke macaques even when they were under deep anesthesia.
The tool has already been introduced in the Qiboshan Hospital in Zhengzhou, Henan, and plans are underway to expand it to a further 100 sites.
The microbes in our guts have helped our ancestors adapt to new environments.
Dieting can be an overwhelming (and counterproductive) experience.
We too have done this -- but it is not the ideal approach.
"This approach can be applied to other antibiotics and help us discover new ones," the team explains.
I'm always happy when kids are safe.
AI is now advancing at an unprecedented rate, making it increasingly part of our healthcare system.
The drug diagnosis takes less than two minutes and could prove to be a useful forensics tool in the future.
Three potential anti-COVID19 medicines have been officially announced by Chinese authorities.
"Beyond economic considerations, the paramount objective of a health-care system is to save lives," the authors rightly point out.
The effect was similar in magnitude to that reported for melatonin supplements -- a commonly used sleep aid.
This is irresponsible.
Meat (and especially red meat) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Meet COVID-1.
There's a relationship between the chronotype of the students and their academic performance.
The model uses statistical tools and travel analysis to assess what are the likely routes the virus could take.
Gut bacteria may contribute to the development of autism-like behaviors.
The coronavirus outbreak is reaching a dangerous point.
Practice makes perfect!
There's only one reason to watch it: to better understand how "wellness" snake oil tricks people.
How we experience the moment of death may be influenced by a cocktail of brain chemicals and the manner in which our brains shut down.
The world might see a dramatic increase in cancer cases. But it's within our power to save the lives of millions.
A good way to contain an outbreak, or a bit totalitarian?
It's an observational study, so take it with a grain of salt.
An exciting, and compact, alternative to skin grafts.
It doesn't stop viruses; it destroys them.
High-tempo music can make intese exercise seem more bearable and even increase the benefits of working out, new study finds.
Study dismisses belief that only non-African populations had Neanderthal genes
It's the sixth global emergency declared in the past decade.
The beer company might be getting a bit more exposure than they'd like.
The first fall in drug overdoses since 1990 and a decline in cancer deaths have contributed to the most the trend reversal in life expectancy.
Conservationists call for a permanent ban on trade of wild animals in markets and online.
Certain genes cause differences in how body fat is stored among the sexes. This insight could someday be used to treat metabolic-related illnesses.
Resistance to antibiotics is one of the main threats to global health, with two million new infections in the US every year showing resistance to antibiotics. That’s why identifying and treating bacterial infections earlier is key, helping to improve patients’ recovery and reducing the spread of microbes. A team of researchers reporting in the American […]
This could revolutionize the field of crop protection.
Not yet, but we might have one in as early as three months -- the fastest time yet for a vaccine's development.
The Wuhan novel coranavirus is spreading outside China with each passing day.