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Social distancing works. Stay at home!
EPA implements sweeping relaxation of environmental regulations
When humanity meets science.
While the findings are based on a relatively small sample, they do point to the need for a more thorough screening of potential COVID-19 patients.
We're not testing enough as it is, but we need to talk about a new test.
Will this be the right decision? Time will tell. But I do hope it is.
History will likely look back at the handling of the COVID-19 crisis by the UK Government as a tale of bumbling ministers, clerical errors, lame excuses, and a populace failed by a criminally undersupported National Health Service--and that's just the past week in a nutshell.
Rudy Giulani enters the ranks of internet trolls banned for spreading COVID-19 disinformation.
Patients still had the virus for up to eight days after the symptoms went away
As much of the world braces for what will be weeks or months of isolation, here are tip to help keep you healthy and sande.
"More severe infections may have even longer shedding times."
After calling the coronavirus panic "dumb".
Atalanta beat Valencia 4-1 on February 19. But the consequences of that game go far beyond football.
He's not the first head of state to test positive, but he is the most prominent.
The number of cases is even accelerating in the US.
Electronic censorship and authoritarianism might have been key elements that allowed COVID-19 to spread from China into the world.
Many healthcare workers are on the brink of full-blown depression and anxiety, studies find.
It will be available next month
When battling an epidemic that we can't cure, doctors are looking to yet-untested drugs.
All cultural institutions are closed until April 19 across the country.
Oil storage levels across the world’s storage facilities have climbed to about three-quarters full on average as demand dries up.
Data can never tell us the whole story. But it can give us some hints about how the world is doing at this moment.
The small nation might have an important lesson about the pandemic.
Staying at home really does work.
This is fantastic news for vaccine development.
The FDA has approved the emergency use of plasma from covornavirus survivors for patients i nneed.
Africa's fragile health system will undoubtedly be put under massive strain. But there are also positives.
As cases expand, the government seeks ways to increase number of tests.
It's good news for sufferers of epilepsy -- though novel treatments are still a while away.
Italian engineers show creative approach to lack of ventilators.
Our planet is enjoying a breath of air -- but we need sustained climate action.
Public health experts warn of serious consequences if the nation's lockdown is lifted too soon.
The situation is still very dire in Italy -- but for the first time in weeks, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
As the world keeps one eye on the pandemic and the other on the economy, it's becoming increasingly clear vulnerable people will bear the brunt of the damage.
Now more than ever, we need evidence-based medicine.
The team is "very excited" about the findings.
There are concerning signs coming from the US, doctors warn.
The monitoring app, free of charge, will be available to the health staff and the general public.
Four of the most promising treatments against COVID-19 are set to go through major clinical trials. It's a major, promising effort.
If you suddenly can't smell garlic or food tastes bland, you might have a mild case of COVID-19.
Earlier today, US Surgeon General Jerome Adams gave a telling warning of how the coronavirus outbreak is going in the US: “I want America to understand — this week, it’s gonna get bad.” “As the nation’s doctor, I’m here to help America understand where we need to respond to this,” Adams told the Today show, […]
"If you're touching items that someone else has recently handled, be aware they could be contaminated and wash your hands."
The lessons from Italy are vital for the rest of the world, as we brace for an influx of COVID-19 infections.
Short and practical meditation sessions can bring benefits
The world is looking at Italy's coronavirus outbreak as if it is the worst case scenario. It's not.
Quitting smoking might reduce viral transmission and the risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms.
It could have consequences for humans and marine mammals.
It may be our best bet to fight this disease.
These would still have to be thoroughly tested before they are incorporated into a vaccine or antiviral drug.
At a time where social distancing is more important then ever, it seems that many don't get the message.