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Is our immune system strong enough to tackle the current age?

Is our immune system successful? It depends how you look at it.

EU eyes countries for renewed travel to the bloc, but not the US

US citizens will likely have to wait a bit more go to back to Europe.

When you hit the gym, you first train the nervous system, not muscles

Researchers found that a major neural highway originating in the spinal cord may be the driving force behind muscle growth.

'Shameful', 'a sign of weakness' -- Why those dudes aren't wearing face masks

Men are less likely to believe the coronavirus can hurt them, even though the data shows otherwise.

New interactive map shows how COVID-19 changed the world

It allows users to track changes in economic activity, climate change and air and water quality, among others

Why don't we hear about the low number of coronavirus deaths in Central Europe?

The lesser known success stories.

Thousands of women have run out of tampons and pads under lockdown – time to talk about sustainable period products

Supriya Garikipati, University of Liverpool The coronavirus pandemic has triggered what has been described as a “sanitary pad crisis” in India. Priya, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, considers herself lucky: her parents can still afford pads. But several of her friends will have to go without. In some parts of India, schools are a critical part of […]

Use of face masks divides Republicans and Democrats, survey shows

Political affiliation plays a big role on the use of face masks.

A Twitter algorithm shows how politicized the pandemic is in the US

COVID-19 is so politicized in the US that an algorithm can tell party allegiance just by looking at Twitter posts.

Huskies belong to an almost 10,000-year-old lineage

The lineage is relatively distinct from other modern dogs'.

Scientists are working on a biosensor that detects COVID-19 and the flu at the same time

The novel testing kit would work with only a saliva sample.

In the US, a coronavirus disaster is brewing [part II]

The US is nearing the worst-case scenario.

The FDA warns public not to use potentially toxic hand sanitizers from Eskbiochem

Methanol, a toxic type of alcohol, has been found in samples of their products.

Sheep on ketamine could explain what happens during the 'K-hole'

High doses of ketamine caused some sheep to enter the 'k-hole', a near-death experience-like state. Their brain activity tells a compelling story.

Researchers list the 10 lifestyle choices most likely to kill you

What doesn't kill you might, in fact, only be slowly killing you.

Children as young as 4 use 'cognitive aids' to simplify thinking

Our tendency to use calendars or smartphones as 'thinking aids' starts in childhood.

Leading experts warn that COVID-19 might trigger diabetes in previously healthy patients

Researchers warn that the coronavirus may cause the onset of diabetes in some patients.

Can you exercise with a mask on? Yes, but it could be dangerous for some

Masks reduce the intake of oxygen and increase the intake of carbon dioxide.

Sugar drink makers spent more than $1 billion on advertisements in 2018

Black and hispanic youth were specifically targeted.

Man who can't see numbers due to rare brain disorders provides new insights into awareness

Instead of recognizing digits like "8" or "2", the patient sees a scrambled mess. His vision is otherwise perfect.

Painless surgical tape can be removed from wounds without damage

It's like a painless Band-Aid for internal wounds.

Coronavirus shows how ageism is harmful to the health of older adults

Another prevalent form of discrimination: ageism.

Dogs show remarkable prowess at smelling coronavirus: 95% success rate from sweat samples

Man's best friend is truly fantastic.

The four countries hardest hit by the coronavirus are all led by authoritarian leaders

The crisis has laid bare the tendencies of authoritarian leaders and their disregard for human life.

Coronavirus was in Italy already in December, sewage study shows

Researchers are starting to get a better picture of the spread of the virus.

Robot teches itself to do sutures by watching YouTube videos

Robots are far away from replacing doctors, but they're still nifty.

One in five people worldwide is at risk of severe COVID-19

Think only the weak and sickling are at risk? If that's so, more than a fifth of the entire planet is weak and sickling.

Is moving harmful to children's health and wellbeing?

Children respond negatively to moving homes.

Quarantine bubbles – when done right – limit coronavirus risk and help fight loneliness

We are a social species, and getting through this pandemic can be extremely tough. Here's how we can form small teams while keeping the pandemic risk low.

The coronavirus racial disparity is even worse than we thought

The risk for black people is up to 10x higher than for white people.

The first prescription video game fights ADHD

It's not meant as a full replacement for treatment, but it does help children manage their AHDH.

Toilet flushing could create coronavirus cloud

Coronavirus or not, you should close the lid before flushing.

Researchers find cheap, already available drug that could reduce coronavirus deaths

Dexamethasone is a steroid already in use for treating several conditions.

5 Science-Backed Facts About the Keto Diet

The Keto (ketogenic) diet is still making waves in the media and with health experts. It has its believers and its skeptics, but it has shown to be a viable solution for various health conditions, which include treatments for epilepsy, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. A keto diet works by depleting the body […]

There's No Better Time Than Now to Quit Smoking and Vaping

Most people who smoke want to quit -- and many have tried, many times.

What second wave? The US still hasn't flattened the first one

Data from New York is making US trends look better than they are.

Microbiologists are worried by rising bacterial co-infections in COVID-19 patients, as well as the dangers of microbial resistance

Many patients are at risk of dying from bacterial infections acquired in the hospital rather than of the virus itself.

A mutated coronavirus, better at infecting cells, is now "dominant" in the world

Whether or not this makes the virus more transmissible in society isn't yet clear.

Vietnam might be one of the only coronavirus winners

Not only did the country keep COVID-19 under control, but its economy is doing great.

Artificial synapses work together with biological brain cells

The hybrid system forms connections that mimic how learning occurs in the brain.

Coronavirus threatens to worsen global food crisis, UN warns

The pandemic might add more weight onto the already heavy burden of food shortage.

The personality traits of toilet paper hoarders

What kind of people would stockpile toilet paper? These psychologists found out.

Scientists force mice into hibernation-like state, open doors for suspended animation in humans

The research suggests that someday it may be possible to induce a suspended animation state in humans.

An important reminder: the coronavirus isn't nearly gone yet

Although it seems like forever and other topics now dominate the news, COVID-19 has, unfortunately, not disappeared. If anything, it's accelerating.

US surpasses two million coronavirus cases as states start to reopen

The number of hospitalizations is rising fast in several US states.

We should act now to prevent future pandemics – The Black Plague may be next

It was the year 1347 when Genoese traders unwittingly brought a new disease from Asia to the ports of Europe. It was called the Pestilence initially, ultimately being known as the Black Death or the Black Plague.  The pandemic lasted for four years until 1351, and killed between 75 and 200 million people. At the […]

COVID-19: Lockdown measures in Europe saved more than three million lives

Lifting lockdowns now could increase the risk of the virus spreading again

Face masks could prevent a devastating COVID-19 second wave

Lockdowns can help, but they won't save us on their own, a new model concludes. Even improvised masks are very useful.

Eye scanner can determine real biological age in humans

Life ticks at a different rate for every individual, and a new device can now measure biological age with ease.

Biomarkers in the blood of COVID-19 patients could predict who is at risk of worse outcomes

Levels of certain proteins in the blood can be used to diagnose COVID-19 disease progression.

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