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"That's close enough" -- our brains.
Understanding how our immune responses vary over time is paramount to ending this pandemic.
One of the largest studies on this topic finds that the hormone simply doesn't improve social skills.
It's like a glass of warm milk before bed, but better!
Let’s face it, Americans have never been famous for their healthy diets and slender physiques. Now a new study out of New York University published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that the diet of the average United States citizen is including more ultra-processed foods than ever. Ultra-processed foods are defined as […]
The newly developed cocktail is harmless to humans. It could be sprayed across regions where malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent.
Some people who try psychedelics may make important lifestyle changes for the better.
The clinical benefits are astonishing in some cases.
We're still only starting to discover the effects of gut bacteria on human health.
A particular brain protein indicates whether or not a traumatic memory can be changed or forgotten.
Practising standing on one leg has also sorts of benefits, research shows.
Its efficacy is around 30%, but even so, it could save many lives.
"This is a historic moment," said WHO chief.
Have you been getting enough sleep? Or are you prepared to face the consequences?
There's some good news: eating a serving of peanuts adds 25 healthy minutes of life.
The experimental neural implant acts like a 'brain pacemaker' to treat depression on a case by case basis.
Their work helps us an important process in the human body, and could lead to the development of better painkiller.
It's a similar technology to the one behind the compoany's Covid-19 shot.
Social media giants are finally taking important steps against misinformation.
One pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
It's not a huge boost, but it's a significant one.
Nature, as well as nurture, play a part in our ability to learn language.
A funeral home ad has an unlikely positive effect.
No jab, and more efficiency.
Wastewater from wealthier households showed higher levels of vitamins, citrus, and fiber while poorer communites had higher levels of prescription drugs.
Although anyone who suffers from migraines knows this to be true, it's important for doctors to know exactly what the effects are.
Such research can make us better understand how depression arises in the brain.
It's all fake.
Enzymes in the plant and oral bacteria can produce stenchy sulfurous compounds.
More infectious diseases could mean more authoritarianism.
While this isn't ideal news, it would be much worse if we didn't know.
The world of work is changing, and we need to start accepting that many aren't returning back to office work.
This is an ancient trend that is still going strong.
Even when the narrative is trivial and boring.
Sometimes, you just have to get up and do a thing to be happy.
Other EU countries could soon take similar steps
Focusing on what you eat, rather than how much may be a more effective weight loss strategy in the long run.
The next question is often, “Is there anything else that can be done?” Too often, the answer is no.
A love-fueled soup produced by tropical frogs may radically change how drugs are delivered through the skin.
Meet a horrifying new metric: the "mortality cost of carbon".
Wealth alone may help people live more, regardless of their genetics and upbringing, found a study on siblings and twins.
Even more reasons to keep on using your face mask.
That's one job the robots can take, then.
Not taking a vaccine, but taking unproven horse dewormer is not doing anyone any favors.
This stunning technology can restore natural behaviors in amputees.
Next, it's time for the EV's to roll out
Keep it squeaky clean, everybody!
They just hate not knowing what’s coming.
A reminder that we still have a long way to come to be rid of this pandemic
This shouldn't be taken as a licence to get infected on purpose.