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If you want to stay active as you age, breathing exercises could be key.
It's a severe problem around the world, with barriers that make it even more difficult to understand and address.
An extract from these wild berries can heal our wounds and save a lot of money in the process.
If the treatment had come sooner, it could have saved Chris Rock from a public face slapping.
Music is great for improving your quality of life, suggests a review that combines 26 studies on music.
Scientists have identified a compound that decreases the level of antibodies produced by the immune system when it encounters an allergen.
It's a huge milestone for science but it may take many years before we reap the benefits.
Such subsidies would yield massive gains in public health and save money on healthcare.
It's a targeted approach that may shrink tumors without hurting healthy tissue.
An avocado a day keeps the doctor away -- when you use it instead of butter or margerine.
At some point, it becomes a waste of resource to keep testing this idea.
Feeling sad? Go find a park. Seriously, parks help, the bigger the better.
These birds live exceptionally long lives for their size. Smarts may be their secret.
The results so far are promising, but only based on mouse studies.
Some brains are just built different.
Man-made plastic has become so ubiquitous, it's now flowing through our blood.
If everything goes well, it could be commercially available in the next 5 years.
It’s intriguing how some people experience ASMR while others don’t - our latest research suggests that many ASMR responders are highly sensitive “orchids”.
The weight loss industry is rife with biased and unproven advice.
Sometimes, tasty treats lie where you least expect them.
The courageous man can now communicate with the outside world -- something that was impossible without the implant.
Such a device may help millions avoid exposure to harmful, heavy metals.
Technology, meet pizza.
The new normal.
The test can provide genetic risk scores for embryos produced via in vitro fertilization (IVF).
We take it for granted, but for hundreds of millions of people, water is a scarce treasure.
All the blue light devices we are using are disrupting our sleep.
It works, and it's already deployed in several countries.
The new study also suggests how progress could be done: by introducing sustainable means of cooking and changing habits.
These genes could be targeted by drugs that improve the quality of sleep for all.
Over 230,000 deaths would have been avoided in 2018 with higher taxes on tobacco.
Zero-covid strategies worked until Omicron came. Now, everything's crumbling.
The country faces the highest official number of cases since Wuhan in 2020.
Nothing has been decided yet, but healthcare officials are taking this into consideration.
Structures providing energy to cells have a crucial role in vision.
Light is not your friend during the night. We'd be wise to shut it out.
Ants with minimal conditioning training were able to sniff out cancer with an accuracy comparable to canines.
The Amazon people may hold the key to slow, healthy aging.
The test could become a standard procedure when patients visit their dentists for a routine cleaning.
It is effective against the coronavirus and a wide range of other disease-causing organisms.
Risks of a new epidemic are virtually non-existent, but the public should still take steps to protect themselves.
Scientists found differences in brain scans before and after infection.
Genes from the mother may strongly influence decisions made by sons, while dad's genes introduced biases over daughters.
Unfortunately, the pandemic is not over.
Leaded gasoline may have stolen 800 million IQ points from the country.
The insight could help us better manage the disease.
People with ADHD were 10 times more likely to exhibit clinically significant hoarding behaviors compared to the general population.
You can still use other approved condoms to protect against sexually-transmitted diseases.
These viruses can alter our gut microbiome to improve brain function.
The mindfulness industry often exaggerates. But in this case, it really does work.