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We have just began to understand our genome yet there are still numerous things we fail to understand; there is a very big number of genes of which we know very little about. Just how much of what we do and think is influenced by our genes remains a mystery, but genetics research is going […]
So Charles Darwin called it the “abominable mystery” of early plant evolution. But the University of Florida and University of Texas at Austin scientists have shed light on what was and is a very intriguing thing. The scientists are reporting that the two largest groups of flowering plants are more closely related to each other […]
Scientists from the University of Delaware and the University of California at Riverside have thawed ice estimated to be at least a million years old from above Lake Vostok (update – first samples taken from lake Vostok). This lake is hidden more than two miles beneath the frozen surface of Antarctica and has been This […]
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Hyperkinetic Disorder affects about 5% of the world’s population. It is hard to cure it and in it is currently considered to be a persistent and chronic condition and medicine does not have any cure. This is because we fail to understand it as numerous studies have shown contrary results. […]
The media seems to be repeating the idea that we use just 10% of our brains and taking it as a given. Scientists have tried for years to change this misconception and they have clearly stated that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that we use only 10% of our brains. In fact it […]
But it has to be the good quantity. Eating fruits and vegetables and drinking red wine could just be what gives the edge against cancer or what play a beneficial role for those with diseased hearts and circulatory systems. The cure could be at the grocery.The research conducted was published in the November 2007 issue […]
Not a long time ago scientists have sequenced chimpanzee, mouse, rat, dog, and cow DNA. This made it possible for them to understand numerous things including the hundreds of chromosomal rearrangements that have occurred among the different lineages of mammals since they diverged from a diminutive ancestor that roamed the earth among the dinosaurs some […]
This is known as TCM and it represents a range of traditional medical practices originating in China that developed over several thousand years. It includes theories, diagnosis and treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture and massage; the base of it is in the fact that processes of the human body are interrelated and in constant […]
Nanotech is a very young science. It reffers to a field of applied science and technology whose unifying theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale, normally 1 to 100 nanometers, and the fabrication of devices within that size range. A meter is 1 000 000 000 times bigger than a […]
This dog is famous in the world because it is very big but very gentle – also, thanks to a certain Beethoven movie. The ancestors of the St. Bernard are the herding dogs of Swiss farmers like the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, as well as hunting dogs and watchdogs. Their history has also been […]
It can be quite puzzling to understand why numerous want (or “want”) to quit smoking and fail to do so. The addiction is perhaps stronger than their power to say no, or maybe they just don’t want to quit. Physicians are trying to treat smoking related problems and in the same time talk people […]
Every once in a while, a disease grows and grows so much that it turns into an epidemic – in other words, an epidemic occurs when new cases of a certain disease, in a given human populationsubstantially exceed what is expected. The epidemic is hard to control and treat. But it is better to prevent than […]
Scientists are working out different ways to improve air quality and clean up contaminated sites. In numerous cases the simplest, most natural solution is the most efficient. This could be the case here as they try to break certain kinds of pollutants into harmless byproducts, the key answer could be held by some plants. […]
Subway trains produce airborne dust particles that could damage the lungs, a new study concludes. In the world today it is harder and harder to drive around town or to another town – itt is not cheap, and it takes time. So the subway is a good choice to more and more people. But […]
There are some very dangerous diseases which it is very hard to fight against. Alzheimer makes the sick man lose parts of his memory and makes him forget the easiest things like dressing himself or finding the way back home. It appears mostly in older people. But a according to a study published in […]