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Social isolation and loneliness: a lethal silent epidemic, scientists warn

Living alone in isolation is not good for your brain, heart, immune system, and overall health. Here is how it brings you closer to death.

Measles in the UK: Fewer people are vaccinated and the virus likes this

We have a very useful tool against measles. But more and more people are simply ignoring it.

Why curly hair evolved: an unexpected hero for the brains of early humans

It protected them from the sun’s harmful rays.

A $5 generic ketamine drug promises to treat severe depression

Generic ketamine has the power to slash the overall cost of treating clinical depression by more than 60 percent.

This lollipop-inspired device sweetens saliva collection for medical diagnosis

They are not just a sweet reward for kids

Here’s how to avoid mosquito bites this summer, according to experts

Mosquito physiology experts explain which repellents work better than others and how to protect yourself this summer.

Playtime is braintime: Board games like Monopoly could help young kids get better at math

Preschools rarely use board games. New study suggests perhaps they should

Spending too much time on your phone? The complex relationship between our emotions and digital devices

Regulating your emotions by interacting with your phone isn't always bad. It's all about striking a balance.

CRISPR rice can withstand devastating fungal disease

"Genetic scissors" can bring food security for millions of people.

Malaria making a comeback in the US? New cases and climate change raise big concerns

The CDC is warning of locally acquired cases in Texas and Florida.

More older adults are falling every year. Why is that?

Despite prevention efforts, injuries related to falls among older adults are on the rise.

The first drug that regrows teeth is about to enter clinical trials

It's a game changer for dentistry.

Diabetes cases to more than double globally by 2050

Every country will see a rise in diabetes in the next 30 years.

Scientists find CRISPR-like system in animals: a new way to edit the genome

Move over, CRISPR. A new gene editing tool is in sight.

Philosopher outsmarts brain scientist in decades-long consciousness bet

The mystery of consciousness still remains elusive.

Extreme heat waves in the US: a billion-dollar toll on healthcare -- just this summer

Heatwaves intensify, threatening public health and widening inequality in America.

Does LSD make you smarter? New evidence suggests it promotes learning and memory

A new study found LSD has neuroplastic effects that may enhance cognition.

Newly found molecule could cure pattern hair loss

Finally, a new treatment for hair loss that could actually work.

A thawed rat organ frozen for 100 days was successfully transplanted in game-changing world first

This could save countless lives.

New Jell-O-like printable electrodes could one day replace metals as electric interfaces

The new material could make medical implants longer-lasting and safe.

I suffer from the world’s most beautiful disease - and also the most expensive to treat

Spinal muscular atrophy, a disease the author of the article suffers, is one of the genetic diseases with the highest associated mortality. It is also the most expensive to cure.

‘Shy girl workouts’ aren’t just a great way to get fit – they may also help women gain confidence in the gym

The shy girl workout is making its entrance.

Finger-bending condition traced back to Neanderthal genetic heritage

Researchers have long known the disease was more common in Northern Europeans.

Weight-loss treatment for kids works best when it's family focused

We're still learning how to deal with obesity.

A third of UK adults believe a wide array of conspiracy theories

From "15-minute cities" to the "great replacement", concerningly large parts of the population believe in conspiracy theories.

When octopuses get cold, they rewire their brains and hijack their RNA

This is a seriously impressive biological ability.

Eating colorful fruits and veggies could help you see better -- at least if you're an athlete

Study looks into the benefits of certain plant compounds.

The hot, gross blob: Plastic and seaweed mix could spell trouble

Authorities are warning people to stay away from the blob.

Taurine supplement slows ageing in animals. Could it work on humans?

Scientists call for major clinical trial

Convenience or culprit? Checkout aisles overflow with unhealthy snacks and drinks

Study calls for healthy checkout policies in both large and small stores.

How patient "M" saw the world backward and upside down

M was shot in the head. When he woke up the entire world appeared inverted to him.

The most important virus you've never heard about: the human metapneumovirus

The virus has been flying under everyone's radar, but the CDC reported a sharp uptick recently.

This $1 smartphone clip promises to be a super-reliable blood pressure monitor 

A tiny 3D-printed smartphone attachment has the potential to make blood pressure checkups affordable and accessible to all.

Ancient toilets provide clues to dysentery outbreaks in Old Testament Jerusalem

Dysentery goes way back to ancient cities, spread around due to trade and wars

Supercharge your mind: simple, everyday things you can do to keep your brain sharp

It's really simple: all you have to do is try.

Scientists learn how Botox enters brain cells. This could lead to life-saving treatments for botulism

There's more to Botox than just cosmetic enhancements.

How baby talk shapes the young developing brain

The amount of speech children hear in their early years may shape their brain structure.

Heart on display: transplant patient finds her heart showcased in museum 16 years after being removed

A woman's incredible journey unfolds as she visits her own heart at a museum.

Scottish woman doesn't feel any pain and heals fast. These genetic mutations may explain why

The story of a real-life X-Woman.

FDA approves first gene-edited sausages

Gene-edited sausages may soon be coming to a supermarket near you.

Scientists devise wearable ultrasound monitoring device for patients in motion

A groundbreaking innovation redefines ultrasound technology, creating a wearable device that monitors deep-tissue vital signs even for subjects in motion.

Scientists extract human DNA from air and water, igniting privacy debate

It sounds like science fiction, but it’s actually happening

Soybean protein reduces the level of bad cholesterol -- just like statins

Soy protein may be better for you in more than one way.

Researchers discover second patient who is genetically resistant to Alzheimer's

This could dramatically change our understanding of the disease.

Scientists use "genetic scissors" to find the first cure for the most common type of mushroom poisoning

The death cap mushroom has finally met its match: a dye used in medical imaging.

Your smartwatch may soon alert you if you have an irregular heart rhythm

Smartwatches are turning more and more into medical devices.

A deer tooth pendant carries the DNA of a woman from Eurasia

How did human DNA end up in a deer tooth pendant?

Scientists unveil the first human 'pangenome': a new frontier in genomics

The human "pangenome" is a full genetic sequence that incorporates genomes from not just one individual, but 47.

Ibogaine, a psychedelic used in shamanistic rituals gives rise to new drugs that treat depression and addiction

Two novel drugs that work like ibogaine promise to treat depression and addiction, two overlooked evils that can ruin humanity.

FDA approves first RSV vaccine for older adults - a deadly virus on the rise

Along with COVID and the flu, RSV was part of a "tridemic" last winter.

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