Mind & Brain Napping may reverse damage of sleep deprivation February 11, 2015 - Updated on January 4, 2017
Mind & Brain Scientists may have found the part of the brain that enables lucid dreaming January 26, 2015
Mind & Brain Naps are key to infant learning and memory consolidation January 13, 2015 - Updated on September 7, 2018
Mind & Brain Computer knows you better than your friends – just by looking at your Facebook Likes January 13, 2015
Mind & Brain Long-term memory isn’t stored in synapses, meaning it could be restored even when struck by Alzheimer’s December 22, 2014
Mind & Brain When following goals, people pay attention to progress more than they do to setbacks December 19, 2014
Health Quadriplegic instructs robot hand to flex, move, rotate or grip objects with her thoughts December 18, 2014
Mind & Brain Storing info in computers frees up memory in the brain, helping us learn new things better December 16, 2014 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Mind & Brain Magazines in Waiting Rooms are Old Because People Steal New Ones, Science Shows December 16, 2014
Mind & Brain Humane interrogation is four times more effective than torture, study shows December 15, 2014
Health How the brain transforms bad experiences into long-lasting and unpleasant memories December 11, 2014
Mind & Brain Cutting contraceptives after marriage might change how women think of their husbands December 3, 2014 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Mind & Brain Mice with half human brains are smarter, some healthier December 1, 2014 - Updated on December 3, 2014
Mind & Brain Listening to music you like makes you more altruistic December 1, 2014 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Mind & Brain Brain’s response to threat silenced when we are reminded of being loved and cared for November 10, 2014
Mind & Brain Always Gamble on an Empty Stomach: Hunger Is Associated with Advantageous Decision Making November 3, 2014
Mind & Brain A language that shouldn’t exist may teach us a lot about the origin of speech September 23, 2014 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Mind & Brain What goes on in an altruist’s head: good deeds may be rooted in the brain September 22, 2014 - Updated on September 23, 2014
Genetics Schizophrenia is not a single disease but multiple genetically distinct disorders September 16, 2014 - Updated on September 19, 2014