Electronics An old game console could challenge all we know about how the brain works January 13, 2017
Mind & Brain Scientists discover ‘hunting circuits’ that can turn fuzzy rats into fuzzy murderous rats January 13, 2017
Mind & Brain You can’t keep eye contact during conversation because your brain can’t handle it, study finds January 12, 2017
Mind & Brain Memories for opposing behaviors are stored in the same parts of the brain, study finds January 6, 2017 - Updated on January 9, 2017
Mind & Brain Scientists use Pokemon to show how to improve human memory January 4, 2017 - Updated on April 9, 2024
Mind & Brain Thinking with your hands can help you find new ways to solve problems January 4, 2017 - Updated on July 19, 2023
Mind & Brain Scientists fed a game into players’ brains to pave the way for artificial senses December 12, 2016
Mind & Brain Sea slugs can’t remember their dreams — and here’s why you can’t, either December 6, 2016
Mind & Brain Scientists find the supergene that codes the reproductive traits of flowers December 5, 2016
Genetics Gene variant that makes people less inclined to drink alcohol might help treat addiction November 29, 2016
Mind & Brain That urge to complete other people’s sentences? Turns out the brain has its own Auto Correct November 28, 2016 - Updated on November 29, 2016
Biology Scientists override fear response in humans using artificial intelligence and hard cash November 22, 2016
Mind & Brain The seat of consciousness might lie in two brain regions. Stimulating them could wake up patients from coma November 17, 2016
Animals Experiment proves beyond a doubt that Goffin’s cockatoos deliberately craft and use tools November 16, 2016
Animals Wild cats’ brains evolve to a different tune than those of primates, study finds November 2, 2016
Mind & Brain New thought framework could help psychologists understand mental illness November 1, 2016
Mind & Brain Study finds viewing selfies on social media can make you miserable or jolly — depending on how you see yourself October 24, 2016
Mind & Brain How the brain makes drinking water feel like a pain once you’re hydrated October 10, 2016
Mathematics Struggling with math? You might have what scientists call a ‘math disability’ October 7, 2016
Animals Bees can feel optimism, possibly other ’emotion-like states’ as well, study finds October 7, 2016
Anatomy News Browse the brain one cell at a time in the most detailed atlas ever made September 19, 2016 - Updated on November 15, 2016
Mind & Brain No matter what your native language is – we all speak the same, study finds September 13, 2016 - Updated on May 15, 2020
Mind & Brain Brain circuit links sleep-wake cycle with reward system — a new potential target for insomnia drugs September 6, 2016
Diseases An antibody that clears Alzheimer’s patients’ brains of plaque could be the treatment we’ve been waiting for September 1, 2016
Mind & Brain Relying too much on the Internet for fact finding could hurt your brain August 17, 2016 - Updated on January 9, 2023
Health ‘Brain training’ assisted by VR and an exoskeleton helps paraplegics regain control of limbs August 12, 2016