Health Mysterious vomiting condition tied to marijuana can be relieved by hot showers, doctors say April 10, 2018
Mind & Brain Scientists reprogram brain cells that store memories about places April 3, 2018 - Updated on April 4, 2018
Diseases Marijuana legalization helps decrease opioid consumption, research shows April 3, 2018 - Updated on April 4, 2018
Mind & Brain Good-looking people are more likely to feel that life is fair April 2, 2018 - Updated on April 3, 2018
Art Hip hop music teaches children to recognize stroke and act quickly, study finds March 22, 2018 - Updated on February 10, 2023
Health Healthy food significantly improves major depression symptoms, new study finds March 22, 2018 - Updated on August 6, 2020
Animals That ridiculous voice we use to talk to dogs? They actually love it March 7, 2018 - Updated on April 14, 2023
Animals Dogs create a mental image of what they’re sniffing for March 6, 2018 - Updated on February 17, 2023
Electronics ‘Self-aware’, predatory, digital slug mimics the behavior of the animal it was modeled on March 5, 2018
Biology Death creeps through the brain as a “spreading wave” of silence and inactivity February 28, 2018
Mind & Brain Put your phone away if you want to enjoy your night out, study suggests February 27, 2018
Health Doctors remove what’s possibly world’s largest brain tumor from Indian man’s skull February 23, 2018
Biology External temperature also influences our circadian rhythms, study reports February 22, 2018 - Updated on February 22, 2019
Mind & Brain Arizona woman goes to bed with terrible headache, wakes up with British accent February 13, 2018
Mind & Brain Alcohol makes you aggressive by impairing the polite parts of your brain February 12, 2018
Mind & Brain Schizophrenia patients can calm down their brain by playing a computer game February 12, 2018
Mind & Brain Eating leafy greens every day helps your memory, fights cognitive decline February 9, 2018
Mind & Brain Narcissistic? It could have to do with the social system that you grew up in February 9, 2018 - Updated on March 16, 2021
Biology A worm’s brain was uploaded to a hard drive and put to the test — without a single line of code February 7, 2018 - Updated on March 5, 2018
Mind & Brain Study shows what happens in the brain when you bungee jump — and what this means for free will February 6, 2018