Diseases World Health Organization declares global emergency following Zika outbreak February 2, 2016 - Updated on February 27, 2020
Diseases Zika Virus spreads through South America: 2100 pregnant Colombians infected February 1, 2016
Biology Clay used by the First Nations people destroys fatal drug-resistant pathogens January 27, 2016
Biology Dengue vaccine approved for use in Mexico, Brazil and Philippines January 25, 2016 - Updated on January 26, 2016
Biology Drug resistant Strep and the return of the scarlet fever November 6, 2015 - Updated on November 7, 2015
Animals These animals don’t get cancer, and this might help us obtain a cutre October 20, 2015 - Updated on December 14, 2023
Biology Malaria proteins kill 9 out of 10 cancer cells in mice trials October 13, 2015 - Updated on October 14, 2015
Biology Flea trapped in amber for 20 million years might hold earliest evidence of bubonic plague September 30, 2015
Animals Massive die-off threaten endangered antelope species’ future September 4, 2015 - Updated on February 16, 2017
Diseases Simple blood test predicts which breast cancer patient will have a relapse months in advance August 27, 2015
Diseases Flushing toilets: a luxury for billions around the world July 1, 2015 - Updated on November 23, 2016
Diseases A new approach for cancer treatment: tailor for the patient, not for the cancer June 2, 2015
Diseases Homeopathy doesn’t treat any health condition, most comprehensive study to date finds March 11, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020